Monday, September 16, 2024

Spending all the time on the crazy half

I've always said I agree with the Right and the Left on the half of things they are each correct about. That hasn't changed. Given all the positions of each side, in raw numbers, they are still right on around half the topics.

Something else has changed, though. They are no longer correct half the time.

Both sides are focusing most of their time and effort yapping about the things they are wrong about.

Their statist positions disgust me. 

The Right would probably claim they push their bad positions-- pro-cop/"lawn odor", borderism, imperialism/militarism, etc.--  as a reaction to the nutty stuff coming from the Left. That excuses nothing.

The Left may still be correct about half of the time-- but they have pushed that half almost completely aside. They've swept it under the rug and focused hard on the things they are wrong about. Things like having government traffic people, banning guns, sexualizing kids, etc. (Things they lie and say isn't what they are doing when it really is.)

Why have they stopped talking about the things they are correct about-- ending prohibition, for example-- and started going so hard for the crazy stuff they are wrong about? Perhaps they'd claim it is in reaction to the nutty stuff coming from the Right. It excuses nothing.

I find it so hard to relate to statists.

(Image made on look at all those fingers! The better to pick your pocket with.)

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Political signs don't really motivate

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for September 15, 2024)

Imagine if your neighbors stuck signs in their yards telling everyone about the conditions they suffer from. "We're proud of our itchy armpit fungus!" Would you be convinced to get infected, too?

I'm already seeing political yard signs. If people advertise their support for a political candidate, could they be convinced to put signs in their yards proclaiming their diseases and mental problems?

Scratch the part about mental problems; political signs already announce those to the the rest...
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Saturday, September 14, 2024

However election ends, you'll be fine

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for August 11, 2024)

No matter which politician attains the office of President after the upcoming election, you'll probably be fine. I know it's more popular to say we are all doomed unless a certain politician wins. The truth is, no President has had much effect on my life, regardless of whether I liked or despised him. Or potentially, her.

If they imposed unconstitutional legislation I didn't like, I probably ignored it or found a workaround. We all commit an average of three felonies per day, according to author and attorney Harvey Silverglate; what's the harm of a few more? When the laws are wrong, good people are outlaws.

This time, some activists tell us if the candidate they hate wins, he'll round up all those who oppose him or who live a different lifestyle. It's not going to happen. Not even if he actually wanted to do it, which he doesn't.

I don't think America will allow anything like the Japanese American internment camps of World War 2 to happen again. If you want me to rise up, try it.

Nearly every time we've been told a particular segment of the population will be rounded up, they haven't been. "January 6" protestors, drug users, and gun owners are obvious exceptions, and in those cases, neither party has been willing to end the atrocity. Both are guilty. It should have been resisted from the first, and it wasn't. This was a mistake... and a lesson.

If things get bad enough that your friends and neighbors see the need to rise up to save you, we will. And we'll win. Government doesn't realize they are playing with fire now.

The warning doesn't apply to only one political party, either.

I think every election since I've been an adult has been "the Most Important Election in Our Lifetime". Each one had at least one candidate who was a threat to the very fabric of America, according to the other party and the corporate media representing that side. I don't even think they are wrong. Anyone who seeks political power over others is unworthy of it and dangerous. Some are worse than others.

Whichever way the next election goes, you'll be fine. If it looks like you won't be, it's time to forego voting and protesting. "Never again" doesn't only apply to the Holocaust, but to any government overreach posing a threat to life, liberty, and property. I've had enough. Have you?
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Destroyers vs the rest of us

Every government agency is established to destroy whatever is in its realm. 

If it’s in the name, that agency is working to destroy it. 

Or, to at least destroy the credibility of that area of human work and study. NOAA probably can't destroy the atmosphere and ocean, but it can utterly destroy the credibility of those working in that arena. It can prevent any real progress from being made.

Just try to find an exception.

I'm not saying they'll limit themselves to destroying only that which is in their name, though. The FAA (Feral Aviation Administration) is working to destroy not only aviation but also space flight and the very future of humanity. "Good job", clowns.

If you want government oversight over something, you're looking to destroy that which you claim needs this government "help". Why?

Some just hate progress (a defining characteristic of "progressives"), but some seem to think they can profit from the broken pieces that are left after government steps in. Maybe they can, if they are evil enough.

If you call for government oversight over something, I see you as wanting to stop or destroy that thing. I don't see you as a serious person, looking to make the world better, but as a micro-tyrant hating to see anything good succeed or survive. Which is the same as destroying it.

(Image made on

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Friday, September 13, 2024

Your primary earthly enemy

In everything it does, government proves it is liberty's enemy. It is your enemy. The Ancestral Enemy, because it has been the enemy of humanity-- including all your ancestors-- since the day the first crooks came together to create it.

Government makes up "laws" on the spot, violates its own laws, and then acts like you're the criminal for not submitting to their criminal behavior. I was going to link to a video from the UK of police doing this (and then posting an apology for "getting it wrong") sent to me by a reader in the UK, but someone has had the video taken down. Cops are scum in every country.

Government traffics humans, calls them "refugees", and then prohibits you from defending yourself, your property, and your cats from them. It claims its "borders", open or closed, negate your property rights.

Government steals your money, calls it "taxation", and pretends it has the "authority" to steal it. And that it's a good thing they do. They used to pretend this was how they fund government, but it has always been a way to defund you, instead.

Government rations your tools of defense, then acts like it does so to make you safer. But does nothing to fill the gap this leaves in your defenses. And then it becomes what you need to defend yourself from.

Government violates your rights and acts as though this somehow promotes social behavior. Being "social" by being antisocial? How is that supposed to work, exactly?

Government goes around the world creating enemies who are willing to die to kill you, then it wants you to thank it for "protecting our freedom". Government is a liar.

The ways government shows itself to be your enemy are too numerous to list. I can think of more ways faster than I can type them down.

If you still think any political government is good or necessary, you're deluded. It's useful... if you're a bad guy who wants to govern others. Otherwise, no. If you can't do what you want to do without the power of government, you have no business doing it at all.

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Propaganda as press releases

I've mentioned several times all the mailing lists I have ended up on, probably due to my newspaper column making my email address public. Lists I really don't want to be on, but that I don't usually immediately unsubscribe from because I know I can learn things from them.

I've learned something new. Or, at least I've recently noticed something.

The "conservative"/Republican newsletters don't pretend to be anything other than biased opinion-- even when they present it as "news", they don't try to pretend to be neutral. They don't try to look like press releases.

The "progressive"/Democrat newsletters pretend to be unbiased press releases. They pretend to only be presenting the facts-- facts no one could argue with.

I get them all the time on the issue of "climate change". They have language about "how to talk about the climate", and all the experts they offer come down on the climate crisis side, but they still present themselves as unbiased information. As a neutral press release for "science".

I got one just now on the topic of "immigration". Again, all the talking points and all the experts were on one side of the issue. None on the other. Since it was presented as a neutral press release, all the bias was pro-"immigration". All the voices were obviously Democrat-adjacent.

Make of this what you will. It's just interesting data to me.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Obey, or suffer

Once again, I hear people saying that if you don't follow the rapist's directions to the letter, and immediately, don't be surprised when the rapist hurts or kills you.

Oops, I mean "police officer", not "rapist". It's understandable confusion due to the fact they both use the same methods and excuses.

Copsuckers disgust me to the core.

Yes, bad guys will hurt you if you don't obey their demands-- because they are bad guys. Saying that people must obey cops without question because they are cops is the worst opinion out there. It may be safer in the current environment, but that doesn't make the cop right. Cops don't have "extra rights".

I don’t know who the guy is that the cop attacked. He may be an entitled jerk. What he was doing may have been dangerous. What the cop did was also entitled and dangerous. Both can be in the wrong. Bad guys often clash with bad guys.

Cops are not automatically the good guys- it's more likely in current times that they aren't.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Don't eat MY cats

I'm skeptical. I have my doubts that Haitian refugees are eating pet cats. I have somewhat less doubt they may be eating waterfowl from the parks.

If you're starving, you do what you gotta do.

However, if anyone tries to eat one of my cats, it's going to be a bad day for them— quite possibly their last day. Then, I'll feed my cats whatever is left of their earthly remains. Chopped fine, with gravy.

Yes, this means I value my cats' lives over the lives of people who would try to kill animals I am responsible for rather than just asking me for some food. I don't value the lives of thieves, and if what you're stealing (and killing) is one of my animals, then I value your life even less than that. So little an electron microscope wouldn't see any trace, if my valuation were a physical thing.

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Monday, September 09, 2024

He's lying about his books being banned

Stephen King says Florida has banned 23 of his books. Yet, "banned" would mean the Florida government has made it illegal for bookstores to carry those books for sale. Maybe even criminalized the possession of those books in your home or on private property. Like when drugs or weapons are banned. Is this what has happened? 

Or is he lying

It seems he's just mad that an institution he probably supports isn't providing his books for the inmates to read.

Telling schools they can't provide sexually explicit materials to kindergarteners (or other pre-adolescents) isn't censorship. It's not an example of "banning books"; it's being a responsible adult by keeping powerful things out of the hands of those developmentally incapable of properly handling them, primarily due to their age. 

It's like being responsible by not handing an unsupervised 6-year-old a loaded and cocked pistol and sending him out the door. Maybe school libraries shouldn't provide guns for the kids to check out, either. As much as I support the natural human right to own and carry weapons, I know this wouldn't be the right thing, or the smart thing, to do. This isn't supporting "gun control"; it's not being part of a problem. Stephen King is part of a problem.

I'm opposed to government making up legislation on either side of the issue-- or, about anything at all. I'm also opposed to the existence of government schools. This is only an issue because government is doing lots of interlocking things it shouldn't be doing-- things it has no right to do because government has no rights.

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Freedom of speech non-negotiable

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for September 8, 2024)

Anyone who is on the side of censorship and punishing people for their speech is not on the right side. 

It doesn't matter if they are a government, a corporation, or an individual. It doesn't matter if they are a crooked Brazilian judge, a US presidential candidate, or a probable android running a "book" of faces. Banning speech, especially for political reasons, is the rest...

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Saturday, September 07, 2024

Allowing politics to divide us tragic

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for August 4, 2024)

Politics divides. That's the nature of the thing; what it's designed to do.

Worse, politics often culminates in elections. Every election feels like the majority coming together to give a mass murderer the keys to my house and holding me at gunpoint to make sure I won’t do anything about it.

This is an outcome I can't consent to. But in the name of democracy-- even if it was once a republic-- it’s the outcome which is guaranteed every time. Other political systems are not better.

It's natural that politics divides. No one wants to be ruled by people who have different values and preferences, and the power to enforce those values and preferences on them. Dog lovers don't want cat lovers put in control to outlaw dogs and persecute dog lovers. I can't blame them. Yet this is what politics is and what it does. It can't be otherwise.

Why is this hard to understand?

It's a ridiculous system. Society doesn't need to be run, which is good since it's not possible to run one. Any attempt to run society ruins society.

Politics guarantees that all elections are rigged. Even if there's no overt cheating, liberty is never on the ballot because there’s no option to abolish the political office.

I’m not saying all candidates are equal, or equally evil. I think the gross communist who promises to cut everyone down to achieve equity-- equality of outcomes rather than equality of rights-- is the worst possible choice. Others think the weird nationalist who is the focus of lawfare and who wants to imprison people over freedom of expression is more dangerous.

Both believe, without proof, that they have the right to govern you. This is an utterly absurd superstition, but it’s a popular belief they use to their advantage against you. As long as you don’t realize it’s superstitious nonsense, they have you under control.

The country, communities, friends, and families are divided over which one of these people should be running things. Neither should be. The last people you want to give power to are those who want power. It's disqualifying.

Allowing politics to divide us is a tragedy. Nothing will change as long as politics, through government and legislation, has the power to control our lives, destroy our liberty, and violate our natural human rights. This is the inevitable outcome. Don't pretend to be surprised when you get exactly what you choose.
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Make Statists irrelevant

It's fun to poke statists, to mock and ridicule their insane ideas, but the best way to make them irrelevant in the long run is through education.

And one of the best sources of the good kind of education is still TOLFA.

It has been a while since I recommended it to you, and I needed to fix that. So here it is: Go to and learn. It's not hard and it's fun. 

You'll be glad you did, and you'll be making the world a better place.

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Friday, September 06, 2024

The Evil Loser in Georgia

The FBI knew the kid was turning into an evil loser a year ago. They chose to wait.

The school knew someone had threatened to kill people at the school, that day. They chose to wait.

And now, anti-gun bigots like Koala Harris want to enslave us because those who knew what was happening, and could have done something to prevent it, chose not to. It's as though they want the deaths to happen. But that would be crazy... right?

I have sympathy for the victims, but nothing but contempt for those who chose to do nothing, And for those who want to blame me for something I didn't do and would give my life to stop if it happened in my presence.

Your safety-- your life-- means nothing to anti-gun bigots. They'll happily sacrifice you and your children for anti-gun talking points to sway the idiots among us. They don't want you to have effective tools of defense. They don't care who this would kill as long as they get what they want.

My rights don't go away because those who could have prevented it didn't. My rights aren't what stopped the teachers in that govschool from being effectively armed and equipped to stop the evil loser as soon as he pulled out his gun-- at least before he fired a second shot. Their blame and hatred condemn them.

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Thursday, September 05, 2024

You can't put Humpty together again

Once the spell is broken, you can never again see government as anything other than a mafia. Never again will you be able to see it as a legitimate institution. Everything changes. Humpty Dumpty has shattered and can't be repaired.

The problem I see with most (if not all) "former libertarians" is that they never broke through that wall. They never stopped seeing government as legitimate; they just wanted it to do only certain things or to do things a certain way. But they couldn't let go completely. So the first time they wanted something they couldn't figure out a voluntary, mutually consensual way to have, they "realized" libertarians were "spoiled, selfish children clinging to something that would never work".

I see this in a lot of statists who have "libertarian" in their profile names; some who are quite "famous" in their social media circles. It's only a matter of time until they either denounce libertarianism or try to redefine it to be statist-lite. Some of them have already done so.

They are so close. 

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Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Statism's policies of statism

Governments and politicians have policies. I don't have policies. Policies seem to always involve using human lives as pawns.

Politically involved people want to hear politicians' policies. If a politician doesn't have any policies they are willing to let the public see, that's mighty suspicious.

I've heard some policies that were less bad than others, but I've rarely heard a policy that didn't sound like raw tyranny. Policies that are popular among some segments of statists.

But, policies are also information about how evil any particular politician is. Most politicians might like to hide this information. At least until they are in a position to commit these acts of politics against helpless victims, and it's too late to do anything about it.

One thing that is never a valid policy: Statism. And yet, aren't all government policies statist by their nature? Yes, they are.

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Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Concede the argument; let them feel their failure

No matter the plan, people will conspire to mess it up. That's human nature. You've got to keep maintaining it if you want it to work. No matter what it is.

Every time I'm discussing liberty with a statist-- especially a borderist-- they love to tell me how foreign gangs and governments will swarm in and enslave the lazy unorganized population, and stripmine the land of all its resources, without a government to protect them. "Libertopia" [sic] will last ten minutes at most, I'm told. All because people will mess up what their betters have created.

My thought is that if governments were able to prevent this with their wonderful military and borders, why aren't they stopping it now? What are they waiting for?

But, anyway, I may try a new approach next time. I may just agree.
"You're right. Liberty is impossible."

I'm not saying I'd really act like this, but I'll make the argument for it.

I am the liberty-loving frog, the Democrats are the frying pan, and the Republicans are the slow boil. The frog is doomed either way, but the slow boil is more dishonest. It might be more refreshing to get it over with in an honest fight than to keep dealing with quislings who won't allow liberty because it doesn't look like what they want.

So, if I'm not going to be allowed to live in liberty anyway, why would I help the side that's going to drag out the torture? Why not help the side that'll bring on the collapse faster? And get some handouts in the meantime. And make the elites happy so they can be distracted from telling me how horrible I am to believe people should keep their own property and speak freely.

Maybe I should register to v*te, then help the side that's going to destroy the whole broken system the fastest. Sure, things could get really bad, but if I'm not allowed to have what I want regardless, maybe it doesn't matter.

Maybe it's better to be surrounded by those who'll stab you in the chest rather than those who stab you in the back. I don't intend to comply with the "laws" of either side anyway, so what does it matter? If I'm going to be surrounded by people who won't let me enjoy liberty, maybe I can use that to my advantage in some way.

If the borderists love government so much, maybe the thing to do is use their precious government against them. Report them for every infraction of the rules they insist must keep being imposed on society. Make them miserable enough that they snap. Make their system fall apart as surely as they say liberty would fail. You'd think they would have noticed the failure of the Constitution by now, the failure of "limited" government, the failure of government to protect the rights of the people... but no. 

Being nice to statists doesn't work. It's not enough that you'd let them have their little governance clubs, they insist that I have to be subject to the rules of a club I don't belong to. Just because they can't allow anyone to opt out-- they know it would show the flaws in their system.

So I'm willing to hit them where it hurts. Sabotage what they want if they want let me have what I want.

Show them that you might as well take a chance at what you really want, rather than supporting a system that makes sure you can't get it.

Wouldn't that be horrible of me?

Added-- I just tried a "lite" version on someone. I'll see how that goes and adapt the strategy.

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Monday, September 02, 2024

No amount of slavery will be enough to satisfy them

I'm sad that Polymer80 was sued out of business by the anti-gun bigots. I shouldn't have put off buying a kit from them-- although, there haven't been any available on their site for a long time. I did keep checking.

People and activist groups shouldn't have the ability to do this.

I'm not saying "there oughta be a law", but what I am saying is that any "law" that makes it possible to sue a business for the acts of evil losers who just happen to have used their product is a "law" that shouldn't exist. That kind of "law" needs to be stricken from the books.

Anyone who does this sort of legalized extortion should be subject to repercussions of some especially painful variety. I hope they suffer the consequences while I'm still around to enjoy seeing it.

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Sunday, September 01, 2024

Government efficiency crushes liberty

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for September 1, 2024)

Government efficiency may sound like a worthy goal. To me, it sounds like the worst threat imaginable.

Historically, Germany's National Socialist government was efficient, as was Mussolini's fascist Italian government. Today, the Chinese communist government seems to be dangerously efficient. The US federal government, famous for its inefficiency, is still too efficient for comfort. Efficient government inevitably becomes too much the rest...

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