How important is "politics"? In some ways, it is the most important thing; in others, it has absolutely no relevence to daily life whatsoever. Anyone who bases their entire life on politics is missing out on a lot. Read my previous post about what "politics" is. The personal scale is where politics matters most. On the national or international scale, it rarely matters to us individually. Let governments bluster and threaten each other all they want. Unless they begin threatening the real people, what does it really matter? What does it matter which authoritarian is president? Democrat or Republican; they are just two sides of the same cow-pie. In most cases, the best method of dealing with government predations is just to ignore the idiots' ravings and live your life. On the other hand, if you can make a difference, and won't cheapen your own life in the process, then by all means jump right in. Obey the laws that you can without betraying your principles. Ignore the counterfeit laws that you feel you need to. Don't violate the ZAP. If it will make you happy, monkeywrench government efforts to number, control, and track you. Don't believe anything government tells you without first confirming it from a reliable source. Even if it turns out to be true, does it matter? Government needs to keep you in panic in order to gain more power for itself. The state will never ackowledge a separation of life and state; that is for you to do for yourself. Don't let government intrude where it is not welcome and has no business snooping. Live your life free.