Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Respecting liberty seems too radical for our [sic] government

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for February 5, 2025)

Whenever President Trump does something to reduce the size and scope of government, I applaud him. Offering a payout to encourage federal employees to quit is a great idea. It's one of the best ideas any politician ever had. The more of them who quit, the better off America will be. I wish all of them would take the offer and go out into the market to find productive jobs.

On the other hand, it would be best to abolish the agencies and bureaucracies they work for, and to cause everyone to reject government employment as an option; to see government work as unethical. Dig out the root rather than thrash at the leaves. Something no politician seems capable of thinking or doing.

There's no such thing as an essential government employee or a critical government function. Not at any level.

At least this incentive to quit the job is a move in the right direction. I wish this were the only direction he was taking.

Whenever Trump does something that increases the size or scope of government, he's on the wrong side. He's acting against liberty, even if you like what he's doing. Increasing the size and power of government is never the right thing to do. This is what he's doing with his deportation initiative. It takes a vastly more powerful and intrusive government to enforce national borders as tightly as the border socialists want them enforced.

I know, you'll point to the crimes some of those he's deporting have been committing. Aggressive thugs will get no sympathy from me. There's an ethical way to solve this problem without more government: government could stop criminalizing defense and the proper tools with which to defend life, liberty, and property. Government should prioritize property rights against all violators, including government employees doing their jobs.

Acting within your rights can never be a real crime, no matter what legislation is enacted. Government is enthusiastic to treat this like a crime, though. I've known people, personally, who have been punished for defending themselves from those who intended them harm. This rewards bad people and is antisocial.

Respecting liberty always seems too radical to government officials, but it's the only real cure for the problems we face. Anything else will either make things worse or shift the problems to another area. America needs a net increase of liberty, not just a different balance between liberty and tyranny.

Thank you for reading.
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