Friday, August 02, 2024

Upcoming surgery update

For me, not the cat...

My eye surgery was scheduled for next Wednesday but they called this morning and rescheduled. It’s been delayed by 6 days because they want to do another test.

I’ve found out the cost and all that. It’s less horrifying than I was expecting, but still stratospheric. On top of the medical expenses from last year’s multiple “events”.

I could really use some help, but only if you want to. And only if you can afford it. If requests of this nature make you upset, just ignore it please.

Whatever you choose to do, thank you.

The various links for donation options are here: Show your support?

How can you tell it's a police state?

You and I are expected to obey government immediately. If we don't, we may be killed.

Government is allowed to take its time obeying the rules that create government and give it illegitimate power. 

If government is violating the Constitution, and even if it finds itself guilty of doing so, it is allowed to keep violating the rules for months, years, or decades without penalty. "Until the courts can work it out." There's no immediacy. There's no risk to government involved in breaking the laws.

Someday, maybe, it will have to stop. No one whose life was destroyed in the meantime gets justice. Those killed in the enforcement of the counterfeit rules can never be restored to life. No government employee faces any consequences.

The shadow of a doubt always comes down to favor The State.

This is how you know you live in a statist "society"-- a police state where government power (or imaginary "authority") is believed to be more important than individuals or their rights. It's a backward anti-society. It's what they all are at this point in history.

Thank you for reading.