Those who want you to doubt that anarchy (self-ownership and individual responsibility) is the best, most moral, and ethical way to live among others are asking you to accept that theft, aggression, superstition, and slavery are better.
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Thursday, October 05, 2006
Preaching Liberty

From time to time in our lives, we come across someone whose beliefs are very different, or even diametrically opposed to ours. It can be fun debating these people, as long as no one becomes angry in the process. This happens most frequently in the realms of religion and politics. It is usually pointless to try to really "convert" the other person, as in both of these areas, we "know what we know" and no amount of logic is likely to get through all of our mental defenses. Once, in debating someone, over a course of days, after making all of the points I could think of, the other person finally admitted, "What you say makes sense, but I am gonna believe what I want to". I was struck by this admission. I came to realize that when someone has a great deal invested in a belief system, be it political or religious, they can not afford to simply walk away from it. I don't blame them; I am the same way. You could trumpet the benefits of government control over every facet of our personal lives; show me examples backing up your claims, and I would know at my very core that you were wrong, and that freedom and liberty are better. So what can a liberty minded freedom outlaw do? Lead by example. Do not abandon your libertarian principles when it becomes difficult to live them. Show how much better personal responsibility is as a life style. Do not fall into the government handout trap. Do not initiate force. Do not back away from defending yourself and your family. Do not apologize for living by your principles. It time, others will notice your life. Then you can welcome them to liberty, beyond the reach of government thugs. When enough people see government for the farce it is, we will have won our freedom.
Free to Live and Ignore the Terrorists
What is a peaceful person to do? Counterfeit "laws" threaten us daily; the police have been militarized and taught that it is "them against us" from their first day of training; the Torturer-in-Chief and his minions in government at all levels think the Constitution and Bill of Rights are "just a %@#&%@$ed piece of paper" to be ignored unless it is in their interest to reference them; and almost without exception, Americans don't care. I am reading the book Unintended Consequenses and enjoying it very much. The author, John Ross, did his research. I wish we had more Americans like the heroes of this book. Perhaps even admitting this labels me a "gun-nut". I have watched freedoms being ripped away by a government out of control throughout my adult life. I recognize criminal behavior when I see it, as I am sure you do. I have watched politicians and bureaucrats acting as though they are the masters and we are their pawns, to use as they wish. I have seen extreme crimes of government go unpunished, and the thugs even rewarded and praised in many cases. And, through it all, I have seen almost all of America accept this as OK or even good. I am afraid that when government tightens the noose to the point the average American feels it, just before the trap door opens, it will be too late. It may have been too late when the Supreme Court staged the coup and stole the power to decide Constitutional issues unilaterally. My advice is: just ignore government to the best of your ability. A retired sheriff's deputy told me a few years ago, "by the time you eat breakfast in the morning, you have broken some law. Anyone can be arrested at any time. Just don't worry about it and get on with your life." I guess what I am trying to say is, don't worship the parasites; don't shoot them unless they attack you; don't even waste the energy to flip them off, unless it enriches your day to do so. Just find ways around them when you need to, and ignore their idiocy the rest of the time. Government is not worth your time. If it pleases you, vote for me or someone like me who is an avowed enemy to the present police state. Get libertarians into for every office you can vote for. If voting is against your principles, then try to convert as many police state groupies as you can to your side. And just keep living free despite the best efforts of federal terrorists, and their local terror cells.
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