The story is that a flying saucer crashed in Roswell, New Mexico on July 2, 1947. Did it happen or not? I first heard the story in the early 1970's while I lived in Waco, Texas (the scene of more notorious lies by the US gov decades later) so I know the story did not start circulating in the mid 1980's as I have heard it claimed. Ignoring the sensational aspects of the story, the only thing that I believe we can ever know for certain is that the US government has been caught lying about this event time after time. Initially gov stated that it had captured a flying saucer. Then changed the story to say it was a weather balloon. Then said that it was a balloon from Project Mogul, and that the "alien bodies" were crash test dummies that were dropped on the area almost a decade after the event. Whether you believe in UFOs or The Roswell Incident, the one undeniable thing is that the US government lied about this time and again, and made liars out of the military people who they fingered to spread each subsequent version of their story. This is not the action of an honorable group who deserve any loyalty. We have been invaded by aliens, and they are the humans who run and worship government. Take back our planet for the real, free, human race.