Thursday, September 05, 2024

You can't put Humpty together again

Once the spell is broken, you can never again see government as anything other than a mafia. Never again will you be able to see it as a legitimate institution. Everything changes. Humpty Dumpty has shattered and can't be repaired.

The problem I see with most (if not all) "former libertarians" is that they never broke through that wall. They never stopped seeing government as legitimate; they just wanted it to do only certain things or to do things a certain way. But they couldn't let go completely. So the first time they wanted something they couldn't figure out a voluntary, mutually consensual way to have, they "realized" libertarians were "spoiled, selfish children clinging to something that would never work".

I see this in a lot of statists who have "libertarian" in their profile names; some who are quite "famous" in their social media circles. It's only a matter of time until they either denounce libertarianism or try to redefine it to be statist-lite. Some of them have already done so.

They are so close. 

Thank you for reading.