Friday, September 27, 2024

Oculus sinister

After the recent eye surgery, I can now see great out of my left eye (at distance, anyway), while my right eye has my natural 20/1600+ "vision". 

I haven't had a chance to shoot since the eye surgery, but I have done a little dry-fire practice. Political ads are good for something after all. Who knew? 


My right eye is my shootin' eye. Or was...

I would have to shoot a rifle left-handed to have any chance of hitting anything other than the broad side of a barn (and that would be from inside the barn).

But I notice that when I aim a handgun I automatically align my left eye with the sights. Without any conscious thought about it at all. My body adapted, without hesitation, the first time I picked up a pistol. I didn't expect this, but I'm glad.

I expect that when I finally get the right eye taken care of, I'll automatically go back to using my right eye. I should find out in around 3 weeks if all goes as planned.

Has anyone else had experience with this?

Thank you for reading.