I have said before that the United States is the greatest threat that America faces, but I think it bears repeating. In my view America is the country that we live in. It is a country defined by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It guarantees "liberty and justice for all" and says that the government's purpose is to secure "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The United States is the government that currently rules the country of America. It is a government defined by the beaurocracies and the "laws" it tries to force upon us, almost all of which are in direct violation of the aforementioned Constitution and Bill of Rights. It actively denies us our lives, liberties, and forbids the pursuit of happiness if ours pleasures are unpopular, politically incorrect, or "bad for us". When politicians are "sworn in" they pledge to uphold the Constitution, and then immediately break that oath. Their true loyalty is not to America, but to the US. Any politician who breaks that oath (and not necessarily as defined by the rogue "Supreme Court") must be immediately removed from office and never allowed to hold office ever again. Anywhere. Treason is serious.