Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hello Darkness, my old friend...

I'm a horrible person. I admit it. 

Some days, like today, I cross the line into collapsitarian territory, and I'm not proud of it.

I get excited by the prospect of a Carrington-level event. I know it would be bad. I know I might not survive. Oh well.

I also find myself almost hoping the worst candidate "wins" just to speed up the collapse. Bring it.

This isn't new. I was thrilled by the prospect of Y2K for the same reasons.

It seems like everything is broken, but no one wants to admit it and do anything that has a chance of fixing it. It would be too hard; too painful. No, let's just keep this monstrosity propped up for another day- another year- another decade. Ignore that the longer it goes on like this, the worse the collapse will be.

When I see the stupid and evil that some people advocate, I think there's no hope. Might as well wipe the slate clean. Whether to start over after that is a separate discussion.

Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.