Thursday, October 17, 2024

It's time. Be the extremist you need to be.

Imagine a world where, if a foreign crime gang took over your apartment building, or even your house, and you shot them, you'd be arrested and treated like the bad guy. 

A world where fighting off a kidnapping by a badged thug and his local gang forfeits your life.

A world where every transaction you participate in is supposed to involve a cut going to a gang of rulers.
Where everything you do is subject to their arbitrary rules- what isn't mandatory is forbidden.

A world controlled by criminal gangs, both official and freelance. 

You're expected to accept this situation and pretend it's normal. Maybe even "good". If you admit to seeing it for what it is, you're an "extremist" and a "conspiracy theorist"; a nutcase. If you decline to comply, you'll be caged or murdered.

It's no wonder things are in bad shape. People have been conditioned to accept them and turn a blind eye. They've been trained to be silent about it.

There is a solution, but it is uncomfortable and difficult. It won't succeed immediately, which means it will hurt in the meantime. It's the right thing to do anyway. It starts with speaking up.

Thank you for reading.