Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thinking or just believing

Much of the wrongness in the world, including statism, is based on believing instead of thinking.

You’ve been told and "everybody knows"… something that's not true.

Another way to say it is Smarts vs. Emotion.

Just look around and you'll see it everywhere. 

I catch myself doing it, too.

My plan is to continually whittle away at this so that it gets to be less of what's in my mind over time.

I'm constantly pausing when I encounter, and I notice, things I "believe". Then I think about it. I'll check definitions of words to see if I'm thinking of a word wrong. I'll try to see what I may be missing. I'll check the logic of the belief and see if it adds up.  Sometimes it does; sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't, I try to change what I believe so it aligns with what's real. This can be harder than you'd suppose.

This is how my views on many things have changed over the years. I "believe" less and I think more.

I've never experienced a case where this process falsified liberty in any way. Have you had the same experience, or a different one?

Thank you for reading.