Tuesday, March 04, 2025

What is praiseworthy?

Your “race” is not something to be praised.
Your sex is not something to be praised.

These things are beyond your control, and none is better than any other. Praising (or rewarding) anyone for something like that is dumb.

Also, what you do with your genitalia is not something to be praised, as long as you aren't violating anyone else with what you do.

This brings up what is worthy of praise-- not violating the rights of others. When you don't stand in the way of their liberty. Regardless of the excuse you use, including if you use "race" or sex as your justification. This is usually better than "helping" them.

You can still speak out when you think (or know) they are doing something that will result in them hurting themselves. You can tell them, ridicule them, or beg them. Those things are within your rights, even if they don't like it. You simply have no right to initiate force to stop them. "Force" includes legislation; the threat to kill them with government.

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