"On my honor as a human being, I will give zero respect or obedience to counterfeit 'laws' or systems of belief, present or future. I do not give, nor have I ever given, consent to be subject to the whims of the criminal collective known as 'government'. I will strive to avoid aggression, and will defend myself and others in whatever way I see fit against all attacks. I will seek to live as free in my body as I already envision in my mind."
Here are my campaign promises and ideas from my
2008 Presidential campaign:
(This is an archive-- some of my views have evolved since then)
I am very libertarian in my personal and political views, as codified by The Zero Aggression Principle(ZAP): "No human being has the right, under ANY circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, nor to advocate or delegate its initiation." Government, being the worst initiator of force, must be eliminated in all its forms, forever. In the worst case scenario, peaceful anarchy might degenerate into government again if thugs are allowed to live and operate. We might be back where we began, but we wouldn't be any worse off than we are now. Let's give it a try. Maybe we can prevent the spread of the social cancer known as "government" this time.
Government is BAD. Rights do not come from government, but are inborn in every human from birth. Governments can choose to respect rights or violate rights, but can not legitimately limit or restrict them in any way. Rights supersede any laws issued by any "authority". Any legitimacy a law has comes only from the Right which the law is enacted to protect. Any "law" which seeks to violate, infringe, regulate, license, limit or downplay any Right is abhorrent and must be most vigorously opposed. Or, even, just totally ignored. "America" is not the flag, nor the President, nor "The United States", but is only The Constitution (and The Bill of Rights). These are our country's highest laws, and if they no longer control "our leaders", then those "leaders" are not Americans, no matter where they were born, but are enemies more dangerous and destructive than any other terrorists could ever hope to be. Remember this: The Bill of Rights does not apply to anyone other than government. It is a strict limit on what government is allowed to do. Of course government will try to get around it through misunderstanding, repealing, lying, ignoring, and just generally, treasonously violating it in any way "they" can. This must be stopped. Beware of "laws" with names that sound PATRIOTic. These are often the most violently terroristic.
"Anarchy" isn't a bad word and does not mean "chaos". It simply means "without rulers". This means YOU are responsible for ruling yourself. It is the only way. No other system ever has worked or ever will.
Vote or don't. It is up to you. Principled non-voters have my highest respect, since I do not believe voting will make America (or the world) free. Voting only lends an air of legitimacy to an illegitimate system. No country has ever "voted itself free". If you feel that voting is the right thing to do, then vote for Libertarians instead of throwing away your vote on the Tyrannocratic socialist candidates running under the dishonest names of either "Republican" or "Democrat". Simple, isn't it? Remember: The lesser of two evils is still evil. Stop voting for evil.
Democracy is NOT the Holy Grail of Liberty; it is mob rule. It is "two wolves and a lamb deciding on what's for dinner". If every person on earth, except for one, voted to violate the rights of the one hold-out, it is no more "right" than if that one person decided to violate the rights of every other person. Two people (or two billion people) do not have more rights than one person, since rights are not additive. Anarchism, in the form of Unanimous Consent, is the only system that guarantees the rights of each individual.
Never say or think "There oughta be a law". That way of thinking is a trap that only helps the authoritarians. No one who is interested in liberty should be advocating any new laws, only the repeal of counterfeit "laws" which are drowning America in a sea of law pollution. Any law addressing anything other than actual force or fraud is counterfeit and must be abolished with extreme prejudice. Anyone advocating or enforcing such a law should be treated like the criminal they are. Become a fully-informed juror in the meantime, and remember your 1000 year-old right and obligation to judge not only the facts of the case, but the law's legitimacy (or lack thereof) as well, and if the law is counterfeit, refuse to convict. You may need to sneak onto the jury in order to do this, as judges routinely "fix" the outcome by dishonestly withholding this information from prospective jurors.
Taxation in any form is theft. There can no more be a "fair tax" than there can be a "righteous rape". The only proper "tax rate" is 0%, on anything, in any circumstance. The tired excuse of "But how will the government pay for the next F-22?" doesn't cut it since the government should not own any F-22s or anything else for that matter.
Education should be a private affair with no government involvement whatsoever. Vouchers and other schemes only hide the fact that the money is stolen to pay for the education (or indoctrination) of other peoples' children.
Any government powerful enough to "promote" your religion today, is powerful enough to prohibit your religion tomorrow. Judge a politician's actions; not his cheap words and pious pretense.
Government has stolen the value of your money by replacing REAL precious metals with fiat money. Federal Reserve Notes are IOUs which are only worth anything because the government says they are. Prices don't go up, the value of your money goes down because it is only paper. Return to using gold and silver which are inflation-proof instead of FRNs which cause inflation. Support those like the American Liberty Dollar who are trying to do something about this problem. They have the US government running scared right now, so the government has responded in the only way they know how: With theft, threats, and massive force.
Second Amendment is non-negotiable: "Because a very effective, armed population is essential in order for America to stay free and safe, the absolute right of everyone to own and to carry any type of weapon they choose, in any way they wish, anywhere they see fit, cannot be regulated, licensed, or even questioned in the smallest way! "
I propose a new holiday: Breechcloth Day*. It should be in the summer. Perhaps to replace the governmentally co-opted "Independence Day". It could be a celebration of the end of tyranny, and should of course, be a government holiday, just like every other day of the year should be. Everyone can picnic and wear only breechcloths, and celebrate the anniversary of the Roswell UFO crash of 1947. OK, so this isn't a major issue, but fun is essential in life.
*Breechcloth Day - This idea comes from my nature as a
mountain man". Doesn't it sound like fun? Well, if not, you are not forced to participate. That is the beauty of libertarian living!
ReplyDeleteI finally got around to reading this section rather than just the daily posts. I, not surprisingly, agree with most of it but did find one sentence in the ‘vote or not vote’ paragraph at variance with my own personal belief when you stated “if you feel that voting is the right thing to do, then vote for Libertarians…” It is my feeling that the addition of one good apple to a barrel of rotten one’s will never sweeten the bunch. The following essay delineates my take on voting.
Why (& how) I vote
I went to vote today, to yet again, holler a resounding NO into the ears of my oppressors. I walk quietly and with eyes straight forward past the, transparent to me, pandering poll-flies who clutter about the entrance; delusional fools who seem to think that an opinion formed by the established ideology of a lifetime years before this day can be altered by their transient hustling’s mere minutes before the vote is cast. I collect my ballot and sign my name next to the number that identifies it as mine; fully cognizant of the fact that this identifies my choices to my oppressors and negates another of their lying fictions; that my choice is made by a “secret” ballot. I know that this accomplishes one of MY purposes today; publically going on record as an opponent of their criminal gang and its sordid enterprises. I look at the ballot and skip completely over the list of candidates; those wannabes who have passed the vetting of the political party’s screening and been certified as safe for the maintenance of the status quo. I am aware that the enemy is the vehicle of the State and that who is sitting in the driver’s seat is a superfluous irrelevancy that has been rendered meaningless by the financial and legal barriers that already eliminated those who would steer in the “wrong” direction. I then begin recording my emphatic NO to ALL thefts (under the euphemistic title “tax”) be they renewals of existing thefts or attempts to extract new ones, oblivious to the specious window-dressing they are garbed in to disguise and make their purpose seem more palatable to the non-sapient herd. I also reject any and all attempts to either renew or expand yet further the States usurpations of the prerogatives of free men and civil society; irrespective of whether they are sanctioned by “constitutional authorization” or, as is more common every year, illegal abrogation’s of these “parchment barriers”. I then drop my ballot in the box, and refuse the childish little “I voted today” stickers proffered just like the gold stars in elementary school and make my way home. I perform these actions whenever the opportunity presents itself; in spite of the derision from my ideological allies who curiously regard this clear rejection of the State as a tacit ‘acceptance’ of the system. I do so because I am neither spinelessly sycophantic enough nor indolently lazy enough to passively allow the activist minority of State functionaries and their bureaucratic public employees to have an unobstructed and unopposed reign through the enactment of law over my personal freedom or my property. I will; as is my natural right to self-preservation, defend my prerogatives with force if all peaceful avenues fail, but I will not until then refuse to exercise the non-violent measures open to me by shirking them in preference to inactive, meek and quiet submission.
I agree.
DeleteSome people will insist on v*ting for someone, in that case I think that v*ting for a L rather than a D or R is better, but not by much.
I really like the idea of refusing to v*te for anyone for any office, and only v*ting "No" on everything else. If I ever decide to get into the v*ting thing again, that's what I think I'll do.
Also, remember I wrote this in late 2004 or early 2005 (and first posted it on a Geocities page)... I have evolved a bit since then. But I refuse to edit this page, just for reference purposes. To remind myself of how I've changed since then.