Wednesday, October 23, 2024

"Safety" isn't about safety anymore

“Safety” has become a meaningless word.

Usually, when the word is used it means whatever government (or government supremacists) want it to mean. As in, "Stay away and leave this to us".

After the helicopter crash in Houston the other evening I saw a video showing the Houston police department’s “safety update”. Mostly the part I saw looked like a compliance update. “Don’t touch anything because it’s evidence”. I didn't even hear anyone make an argument for "safety". Normally they'll at least give it a poor try.

Sure they’ll use safety as an excuse but that’s all it really is-- an excuse. When government doesn’t want you to touch something or do something, they say it’s for “safety”. Even if that has nothing to do with it. 

And people comply because it sounds "reasonable" to them.

"Safety" is the lie underpinning anti-gun legislation.
It’s the justification for car rules.
It's the excuse used to prohibit "immigration".
It's behind all prohibition.
It's the deception behind the police.
It’s the reason people get caged over raw milk.

This overuse (and misuse) of “safety” makes me hate the very idea. Danger, or the possibility of danger, is the spice that makes life worth living.

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