Why isn't there more disenchantment with government? I think it is because too many people feel they would be nothing without the big guns of government backing them up. If you are "in" with the tyrant, you have privileges that the serfs don't have. You can get away with using guns that are forbidden to the rest of us. You get to engage in blatantly criminal behavior such as kicking in doors and shooting dads and grandmothers.
Even if you do not wield the iron fist there are reasons you might want to keep the status quo. If you have been granted a license that gives you a special status, you don't want everyone to realize that a "license" is only as meaningful as the body that grants it. If you are with the IRS you can take glee in stripping the flesh off of those who dare to point out your nakedness. If you are with the BATFE you can stalk, imprison, and murder those who simply own the same types of firearms that you feel should be yours alone. Small souls seek to punish.
Then there are also those who rely on a government handout. They studiously ignore the fact that the money is stolen from other people. Perhaps they justify it because they "paid in all those years".
If you fear freedom,
real freedom, examine your reasons. Do you fear the loss of your privilege? Are you afraid of "the unwashed masses"? Does being forced to compete on the free market without the state threatening everyone into submission scare you? Stop belittling and ridiculing liberty. If you don't want freedom, get out of the way of those of us who intend to live free.