I have no illusions or delusions about my importance in the presidential race, or even in life. Very, very few people read my blogs. Few people visit my webpage. No world "leaders" are worried that I would be in a position to help America shake off its authoritarian chains. Most of the time, I don't really mind. Freedom is not a popular goal. If it were, there would be no need for people such as myself to run for president. If even 10 or 20% of Americans were really hungering for liberty the way I do, America would be a free country. Too many of us believe that government will protect us, without seeing that government is the vampire draining our life-blood, while it pretends to keep the ghosts from getting us. I don't know if this will change in my lifetime, though I can always hope. Will I play a part in the change if it occurs? I really can't say. With the internet, these posts will be available for future readers. Perhaps something I wrote will reach the right person at the right time. Will this blog lead to a "Kent Presidency"? Not unless some universe-altering quantum fluctuation occurs. I am afraid that any libertarian (or Libertarian) president we would be likely to elect will be more like the authoritarians we already struggle under. It is still worth the effort, though. Freedom is worth it. America deserves to be free.