Monday, March 24, 2025

Be encouraged

You and I can't be totally protected from the statism of the government supremacists who surround us, but we can do things to make them less relevant. Less dangerous.

The first thing is to not care about their opinions. Remember, they've formed their opinions out of the lies they listen to and tell each other. You don't have to pretend their opinions are valid when they aren't valid.

Yes, they'll base legislation or "extra-legal" attacks aimed at us on their bad opinions, and you can care about that, and take steps to defend your life, liberty, and property from them, but their opinions are not worth fighting. 

If they could be reasoned out of statism, they wouldn't be statists. Statism is absurd and ridiculous; they've been shown the disproofs of the superstition they choose to stick with. They've rejected the truth multiple times because it's not what they want to hear. Their choice. You've got better, more important things to do.

Here's the nice thing: You can be a good, responsible person without their cooperation. It's what's great about the ZAP: it doesn't require the cooperation of the bad guys. It's all you. They can try to argue against it. No dice. They can try to dream up hypothetical exceptions. Wishful thinking. They can try to force you to go along- which means they've lost.

Don't comply if you don't have to. If you're looking down the barrel of their gun, do what you have to, but don't let them think you agree with them in any way when you don't. "Under duress" cheapens their victory, even if they pretend otherwise. And they can't watch you and me all the time. The more they tighten their grip, etc.

You can keep prepping, so as to be an asset and not a burden. Let the statists shirk their responsibility and be a burden if TSHTF. You'd think the lessons of 2020 would have stuck, but it seems like most of them had already forgotten before 2021. You can't teach someone who doesn't want to learn. If it means more of them die because they counted on Daddy Government to save them, well, maybe that increases liberty somewhat. Again, it's a choice they've made. You aren't responsible for them all.

If you're able to gather a few friends who know which way's up, all the better. It helps mentally and emotionally, if nothing else. And other people will always have strengths you lack; you don't have every piece of the puzzle.

Don't be too quick to trust too deeply, though. There will always be snakes in the grass who empower the enemy because of their cowardice, weakness, or ethical shortcomings. Don't rely on them and don't keep them in your circle once they've shown who they are.

I keep suspecting that harder times are coming. It can be depressing if you don't remember that we have strengths that are completely inaccessible to statists. The truth is on our side. 

Thank you for reading.