I mentioned to someone that I had seen videos of a recent tornado in her area. Her response was that she didn't know about it because she doesn't "watch much actual real world stuff". It seems like you might know about a local tornado just by paying a little attention. But, she'd rather not.
If she weren't someone I feel somewhat responsible for, in a convoluted way, I wouldn't care that she lives in a complete fantasy world, hiding from anything real. As it is, I feel bad that there's no way to get through to her. Any attempt is instantly shut down with "I don't care about that".
Which might explain why she believes it's "too easy" to buy and carry a gun because there are "no laws" regulating it, why she's confident she can defeat any attackers with only her keys (while walking in Condition White, listening to headphones blasting angry music), and why she has fallen for all manner of things the w0ke want everyone to believe. Really harmful, ridiculous stuff. Because she doesn't like the real world.
Reality wasn't kind to her. She grew up in an abusive, neglectful home. Spent all her time playing video games and being angry and resentful. She hasn't really grown past that, even though she's nearing 40.
In the past I've tried to get her interested in real world stuff that she might find interesting. She won't even give any of it a try. She'd rather submerge herself in Marvel characters and obsessively collect their Disney merchandise. And watch gruesome, brutal horror movies-- she likes cinematic cruelty. She also dives into her job, which is good, except that she overestimated her competence (and dominance)-- and this is now coming back to bite her. She has run full-speed into painful reality.
I won't write her off, but I also know I've tried and been rebuffed. People are ultimately responsible for themselves, even if they've had a rough past. Often, caring isn't enough.
I can understand why someone might not like reality. But it's there to affect you whether you pay attention to it or not. And, by not paying attention to it, you're going to get hit harder than if you see it coming and prepare. Or at least duck. But, if you refuse to acknowledge reality, how can you realize this?
Seeing what people online believe makes me think this may be a lot more common than I wish it were. Gird your loins. It's going to get worse before it gets better-- if it ever does.
Thank you for reading.