Friday, July 19, 2024

Musing on politics

I disagree with Republicans at least half the time-- which is nearly identical to how often I disagree with Democrats. I only agree with either party when they are correct about something.

However, I can't be the only one noticing that Democrats are usually guilty of doing the things they accuse Republicans of doing (admittedly, sometimes while Republicans are also doing it). And of accusing others of being what they themselves are.

While both parties are fascist socialists, the Democrats are the ones who seem to have more in common with historical Nazis. The tactics and rhetoric they use, in particular. Also, the weaponized mental illness they employ is a big problem for those who are susceptible to such things. And, the bad guys currently in power are always the greater threat than the bad guys who want that power.

It's why I usually just call them all "DemoCRAPublicans".

Public politics is nothing more than a sibling rivalry. Yes, it can turn deadly, and innocent people get caught in the crossfire. 

The reality is that the worst bad guys in power are those who comprise the Deep State. The unelected agents, bureaucrats, operatives, and the elected legacy politicians who seem to have held office since I was a kid. The elections sometimes put a different mask on the bad guys, but they never change much-- and their agenda only grows more evil with time.

It's sad that statists of any kind have such power in the world. But that doesn't mean I have to bow to their demands or fall for their lies. Do not comply. Do not fawn. Do not assist in your own enslavement.

You have the fundamental human right to run your own life without asking permission from political criminals. Act like it.

Thank you for reading.