Sunday, September 03, 2006


I was told that I had disabled "comments". I think I have fixed that now. If not, write me at my email and let me know, but save the insults and personal attacks until they can be added to the blog publically. Just kidding! Seriously, your comments will let me know what you are thinking. Who knows, you may even change my mind about something.


Being new at this blogging thing, I am not sure what to say. I would ask that you go to my webpage and read my positions on the issues. Click on all the links, too. I am on a weekend vacation at the moment, with the family, so I will write more later.

I will let you know now, I am not a typical candidate. I do not "live and breathe" politics. Life is too important for that. There are things that get me worked up, though. Thanks for visiting!