Monday, July 29, 2024

Valuable criticism?

"Logical fallacies"... "poorly written"... Those phrases are frequently the best arguments government extremists (especially copsuckers) can manage when I point out their god's flaws.

"Poorly written" is mostly subjective. I've never claimed to be a poet. Whatever floats their boat.

But "logical fallacies"? That can be demonstrated if it's real. And if so, I want to know what I've done.

When I ask for specifics... well, they are really light on those.

What they can do like champions is change the subject and deflect. You'll get the strangest responses at this point. It's like their minds have broken. If they don't flat-out run away, they may think they are making a great point. 

They'll also regularly engage in projection, engaging in exactly the sorts of logical fallacies and mind-reading they accuse you of. When others notice and point this out to them without you having to do so, it is a sweet, sweet feeling. Simply the BEST.

Anyway... I don't really care. Mostly, it's just funny. I understand that if I hang out around those kinds of places, I'm going to hear things like that. It is what it is. Maybe I'll learn something anyway. I do keep offering to let them show me what they're talking about.

(Speaking of valuable criticism, I altered the picture at the beginning of this post [and the blog header] in response to some valid criticism. Can you spot the change?)

Thank you for reading.