I have recently been having doubts as to whether there is any point in continuing my campaign. I hand out lots of cards and have conversations with people who seem to be genuinely interested in what I have to say. Yet this translates into almost no visits to my blog. The apathy is deafening. Perhaps I should pull a giant publicity stunt. Picture this scenario:
Me, Kent McManigal, wearing only a breechcloth while standing atop the torch of the Statue of Liberty and waving a bright yellow "Time's Up" flag while shouting "Freedom!" at the top of my lungs. OK, so it will never happen even if I managed to overcome my fear of (man-made) heights. Still, it would get attention. When I got out of the hospital's psychiatric ward, I could see if it generated blog hits. Short of this, I am depending on you; my readers, supporters, detractors or whatever to get the word out about my campaign. If you think there is any value in continuing this effort, help me out.