Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"Why do the highly educated lean Left?"

It is commonly observed that highly educated people tend to lean Left. Some people would like to believe this means that’s the smart position.

They'll tell you this all the time. Often with a dash of smugness.

It's not necessarily true.

Since most "educators" lean Left, their students are influenced in that direction. Some of those students end up being "educators" and the cycle not only continues, but accelerates. Partly because they feel Left is the wise position since the "smart people" they know all lean in that direction, so to prove they are also smart, they lean Left. Maybe even a little further Left than those who taught them. Or brainwashed them.

The truly smart people reject archation. They lean neither Right nor Left, but toward respecting the rights and liberty of everyone around them. Politics makes people stupid, especially when they think they are being smart.


(I’m struggling through a disastrous computer problem, using a combination of someone else’s computer and my phone. This is not sustainable, but I’m still trying to get back into my laptop. Wish me luck!)

Thank you for reading.  

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