Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Robot wars are coming

I'm thinking it may behoove us to come up with ways to defeat the robots designed to defeat us, including aerial robots- drones. Robots that will be armed.

The recent story about the guy who fought a police robot, and lost, caused me to start thinking about the issue.

You might support what the cops did in this case, but if you're smart you know it's only a matter of time until tyrants use robots against those who aren't complying hard or fast enough. Against the good guys.

Today's robots are a joke compared to what we'll be seeing soon.

If you are only planning for defense from human bad guys, you aren't planning. Of course, robots may have the same weakness that F-15s have: human operators. Some may be autonomous, though. You'll need to be able to beat either type.

Ideas that come to my mind are electrical interference, pit traps, entanglements for their legs/propellers, snare traps, and armor-piercing liberty seeds.

What can you think of that I've missed?

I think this is important and will only become more important in the future. Robots are tools, and like all tools can be used by good guys or bad guys. The most effective ones will be reserved "for law enforcement use only", so we need plans to even the odds.

Added: When I say "Robot wars", I don't mean one government's robots against another government's robots- I mean government robots against you and me. I don't care much what happens between governments until they start calling us "collateral damage".

Thank you for reading.  


  1. Quick-set industrial adhesives, corrosives, thermite ... and effective delivery mechanisms.

    Yeah, not gonna add my name to this one ... on enough "watch lists" already ... :>)

    1. Hate to tell you but "they" know who wrote that whether it's signed or not. Still probably wise to keep most things as anonymous as possible.

    2. No dispute about that fact. To paraphrase Aleksanr Solzhenitsyn:

      "They know, I know they know, they know I know they know ..."

      It's all fun and games until "they" show up at your door.

      Then life gets interesting.

  2. “What can you think of what I've missed?”

    Well, not really missed, just not specifically referred to this time! These tools, just like the ‘old school’ lower tech varieties, are all still wielded and employed by ‘the ancestral enemy’ and the best defense, the only real defense, remains strategic not tactical. Eliminate the ‘most dangerous superstition’ before it eliminates everything, the only ‘job’ it has ever seriously or intentionally pursued.
