Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Obey, or suffer

Once again, I hear people saying that if you don't follow the rapist's directions to the letter, and immediately, don't be surprised when the rapist hurts or kills you.

Oops, I mean "police officer", not "rapist". It's understandable confusion due to the fact they both use the same methods and excuses.

Copsuckers disgust me to the core.

Yes, bad guys will hurt you if you don't obey their demands-- because they are bad guys. Saying that people must obey cops without question because they are cops is the worst opinion out there. It may be safer in the current environment, but that doesn't make the cop right. Cops don't have "extra rights".

I don’t know who the guy is that the cop attacked. He may be an entitled jerk. What he was doing may have been dangerous. What the cop did was also entitled and dangerous. Both can be in the wrong. Bad guys often clash with bad guys.

Cops are not automatically the good guys- it's more likely in current times that they aren't.

Thank you for reading.  

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