Monday, September 02, 2024

No amount of slavery will be enough to satisfy them

I'm sad that Polymer80 was sued out of business by the anti-gun bigots. I shouldn't have put off buying a kit from them-- although, there haven't been any available on their site for a long time. I did keep checking.

People and activist groups shouldn't have the ability to do this.

I'm not saying "there oughta be a law", but what I am saying is that any "law" that makes it possible to sue a business for the acts of evil losers who just happen to have used their product is a "law" that shouldn't exist. That kind of "law" needs to be stricken from the books.

Anyone who does this sort of legalized extortion should be subject to repercussions of some especially painful variety. I hope they suffer the consequences while I'm still around to enjoy seeing it.

Thank you for reading.  


  1. Wiki has an informative entry about Polymer80.

    It seems that the founders have both retired or died, and that Loran Kelley Jr had to wind up the firm. But the principle of providing a product that the buyer needs to finish, is very creative. Some might compare it to IKEA.

    I wonder whether a modified business model might be a way to revive the idea. Would it be possible for example to keep liquid assets offshore and to declare bankruptcy every time a lawsuit is filed, followed by a "phoenix" resurrection the following day under a new company name. If the enemy plays lawyer tricks, so can we.

    Polymer80, then -8001, -8002, -8003 etc. -80aa, -80ab... allows even more.

    1. I saw that the owner made a statement saying he will be back, in some form, after he regroups a bit. I hope so!
