Monday, September 16, 2024

Spending all the time on the crazy half

I've always said I agree with the Right and the Left on the half of things they are each correct about. That hasn't changed. Given all the positions of each side, in raw numbers, they are still right on around half the topics.

Something else has changed, though. They are no longer correct half the time.

Both sides are focusing most of their time and effort yapping about the things they are wrong about.

Their statist positions disgust me. 

The Right would probably claim they push their bad positions-- pro-cop/"lawn odor", borderism, imperialism/militarism, etc.--  as a reaction to the nutty stuff coming from the Left. That excuses nothing.

The Left may still be correct about half of the time-- but they have pushed that half almost completely aside. They've swept it under the rug and focused hard on the things they are wrong about. Things like having government traffic people, banning guns, sexualizing kids, etc. (Things they lie and say isn't what they are doing when it really is.)

Why have they stopped talking about the things they are correct about-- ending prohibition, for example-- and started going so hard for the crazy stuff they are wrong about? Perhaps they'd claim it is in reaction to the nutty stuff coming from the Right. It excuses nothing.

I find it so hard to relate to statists.

(Image made on look at all those fingers! The better to pick your pocket with.)

Thank you for reading.  

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