Saturday, October 05, 2024

Armed enemies preventing assistance

Government agencies-- FEMA and the FAA for a couple of timely examples-- are the enemy. Some of them are armed enemies. You don't hate them enough.

They and their employees-- those not ignoring the orders of their employer-- need to be treated as such. At least by those they are victimizing.

If a government employee is threatening violence to stop you from delivering or receiving emergency help, they are worse than Al Qaida, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Antifa, or the Chinese Communist Party. Combined. Yes, really.

Why are Americans so weak and useless that they allow these enemies to tell them what to do? To prevent them from helping? Oh, right-- because the enemy is armed and has a huge gang providing backup.

No government employee should be allowed to be armed while on the "job". None of them. If that means they can't do their "job", then that's a good thing. Let the people handle it. We can. Better, without violating anyone. Without pretending we have the authority to claim a monopoly of "assistance".

You probably still don't hate government nearly enough.

Thank you for reading.  

Friday, October 04, 2024

I'll take second helpings of Liberty

The way most people want liberty is that they like to chew it up and taste it, but then they spit it out. They don’t really want it. 

They like the idea of it but are scared of experiencing it in reality. "Terrified" might be more accurate.

They make bizarre excuses so they can keep advocating for political government. For Rulers and other political criminals. For slavery, theft, superstition, and the ruination of society.

They focus on "corruption" and deny that government is working exactly as it has been designed to work. They live in a state of denial and a state of enslavement; dual "citizenship" for the statist.

They carefully avoid anything which would give them a hunger for real liberty. That would upend their world.

So, "just a smidge" is all they want to taste. It's a sad way to exist, but it's their choice. It's not their choice to impose their cowardice on me. 

Me? I want a heaping helping of liberty, and I'm going to eat and digest it all. It's good for the health and good for the soul. Quite unlike the poisonous dish of statism.

Thank you for reading.  

Thursday, October 03, 2024

A foul authoritarian

Who else sees Burgermeister Meisterburger whenever Tim Walz is on your screen? It's like one of those "separated at birth?" things from a few years back. Or the current "I'm going to tell my kids this was...".

I saw it the very first time I saw him, and I still see it. I can't unsee it.

If only real-life political criminals like Walz were as harmless and humorous as fictional authoritarian monsters. We can still laugh at the similarities.

Thank you for reading.  

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Status report

The good news is that my eye surgery got moved up by a week. Next Wednesday, the 9th, is when I'm now scheduled to have it. I'm so ready! But also nervous.

October is also turning out to be a rather busy month with tangled schedules, which is a bit of an issue, but it will work out.

I'll try to not miss any posts, but we'll see how it goes.

More good news is that my bank account is in the black-- I have $3. If you're someone who hasn't donated in a while, or ever before, and you'd like to help me get a little cushion, you can help in various ways. If not, that's fine, too. It's neither your responsibility nor your concern.

I have a lot to do, and some stuff to get, to be ready for the surgery and the month of limited activity afterward. But I have practice, now.

My computer is still dead in the water, but I'm adapting. I really wish I could access my files and pictures, though.

And that's the situation as of now.

Thank you for reading.  


Anytime you see the acronym DEI, replace it in your mind with the word “sabotage”. Do the same with the individual parts of DEI; “diversity”, “equity”, and “inclusion”. Those are all sabotage. They will lead to a predictable result.

If you try to implement this policy on your own organization, you are sabotaging yourself. 

Maybe you're doing it because you think it's a good look. It's not. 

Maybe you think it is necessary in order to help some people. It's not. You're hurting them.

If you want to sabotage something useless and harmful, like government, then by all means impose DEI-- sabotage-- on it. 

But if you like something, keep sabotage far away from it. Hire the best people available, without regard to irrelevant surface characteristics and without worrying about checking certain boxes. Don't self-sabotage so you'll look good to those who want to destroy you.

Thank you for reading.  

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Kill it with fire!

What do you consider THE killshot for the notion of political government? 

The one thing that, once heard, either cures the hearer of their belief in statism, or forces them to purge the killshot from their mind as though they’d never heard it so they can keep believing in government.

I know there are many, but there's got to be one that's far more powerful than the others and fits every situation. I'd like to find it. And use it.

What is your best suggestion?

Thank you for reading.