Saturday, October 19, 2024

Politics makes people hallucinate

I commented on a hilarious post from “KamalaHQ” after Harris’ interview on FOX, where they had tried to reframe the event to be less bad for her.

A guy in a reply tried to pin “Trump supporter” on me simply because I can see that Harris is an idiot. He kept trying to get me to defend Trump, and he said how brave Harris was for sitting for that hostile interview on FOX and how cowardly Trump is because he won’t be interviewed by MSNBC.

I pointed out that he had gone on ABC for a debate, which was hostile territory, but that I’m still not a Trump supporter, just not an idiot.

He said I was lying about not supporting Trump and he copied my most pro-Trump tweet he could find to shove it in my face as proof:

"If you’re defending people who are eating other people’s pets (assuming it’s really happening), you’re scum. It’s not about who’s doing it, it’s about the act."
That was his proof I am a Trump supporter? It had nothing to do with Trump or any politician.  It wasn't even political.

That's the best he could do. He couldn’t find the multiple places I where said both are bad, but I think Harris is worse? I guess not. He could have at least made a limping argument had he used one of those. But he didn't.

I later looked at his profile and discovered his entire personality is based on hating Trump. Nothing else. So it’s not surprising that anyone less deluded than he is would look like a supporter to him.

Politics makes people stupid. It’s tragic. And these people— on “both” sides— will be v*ting to impose their ignorant superstitions on you and me. Great...

Thank you for reading.  

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