Monday, October 21, 2024

Politics is poison

To govern yourself is to be responsible. This is government without politics.

To attempt to govern others is evil. It is something no one has a right to do and there's no path to creating such a "right". In other words, when you try to mix politics with government you've poisoned government. You've turned it from normal, responsible behavior into doing something harmful to others; something you have no right to do and instead have a responsibility to not do.

Politics changed government from an idea into a dangerous superstition. Into a death cult.

Politics is poison.

It always has been poison; nothing can change it into something positive and healthy. There is no safe amount, but obviously the more, the deadlier.

Because society has organized itself around the integration of this poison, society is sick. Civilization could actually die. Has society already received a fatal dose? It could happen faster than any of us suspect. It may be happening now.

Government is quickly growing larger and more tyrannical. 
Statists are growing more dishonest and desperate. 
I think it’s the death throes of a dying “system”.

Thank you for reading.
May I request your support?


  1. Personal responsibility and conformance to the dictates of conscience is self government, this is the essence of virtue. Collective, social or political government is rulership, this is the denial and abrogation of personal authority, in the absence of which the concept of responsibility is debased and degraded. This corruption of autonomy eventually yields obedient subservience and the craven docility of the slave.

    1. It's so clear. The only reason someone has for not seeing it is that they don't want to see it.
