"I stepped outside and noticed a bright light in the sky. Suddenly in the underbrush, I saw tiny bipedal creatures kicking aside the leaf litter as if looking for something. They did not seem concerned that I was there, watching them. I observed them for a minute or more, before a passing car caught my attention. When I looked back, the creatures had vanished. Similar events have happened in my presence frequently."
Sounds like a UFO sighting with live "ETs" observed, doesn't it? Well, maybe. Depending on whether the story teller is trying to be totally honest, or is trying to deceive without exactly lying. The above story can be completely true, while still being misleading. If the observer stepped outside during the day (bright light = sun) saw a couple of robins looking for worms (bipedal creatures = robins) which flew away after being startled by a passing car, then the tale would technically be true.
This is what government does when it tells us how great the economy is; how gun "laws" saved lives; why this new law or order will not destroy liberty. Politicians can be technically telling the "truth" while still being as deceitful as is humanly possible. Then, too, government often just lies.
Those who want you to doubt that anarchy (self-ownership and individual responsibility) is the best, most moral, and ethical way to live among others are asking you to accept that theft, aggression, superstition, and slavery are better.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
"I'm From the Government! BOO! You're Dead!"
Want to be really scary this Halloween? Dress up as Government. Drinking the life-blood of the productive people of the world. Clothed in the blood of the 200 million or so victims of 20th century government. This is the very real horror we face. This isn't "government gone wrong" but a logical progression of the very principle of government. Government doing what government is designed to do. Government, and state worshippers, believe that force is the way to get things done. When someone disagrees with government edicts, the force escalates until someone is killed. Sometimes government ghouls, I mean "agents", are killed "in the line of duty", but the individuals who only wish to live free of coercion almost always fall. Now, with the laws which government has seen fit to inflict upon us in the past few weeks, we have lost the "privilige" of facing our accusers and knowing what "law" we are accused of breaking, if the government decides we disagree with them (because then we can be declared "enemy combatants"); the President, as Decision-ator, can take over the national guard if the citizens of a state protest his administration's policies. (As President, I solemnly swear I would never do this, and would overturn this provision.) The rule of law (the Constitution and Bill of Rights) has been driven from the US with pitchforks and torches. The zombies of government are after your brain. Defy them. Think.
Monday, October 30, 2006
The Coming Election
I will now make a prediction: Democrats will win big in elections all across America. Freedom will continue to suffer at the hands of tyrants. The US police state will continue to grow like a cancer. More people will have their lives destroyed by the insane War on Drugs. More people will die on the altar of Victim Disarmament. In other words, there will be no real difference. I am amazed that anyone still believes that there is any substantial difference between the different branches of the national authoritarian party. One cow pie; different sides! Liberty infringements that are squealed about by the "out of power" branch, are happily used when they get "into power". It is simply a ratcheting of the noose around the throat of liberty. What does it matter if the torturer has a (R) or a (D) after their name in the press? Trying to control the lives of others is wrong. Why is that such a difficult idea to understand? Is tyranny such a basic driving force of human nature that few can see it? I hope not. The time will come when the tyrants are made to pay for their occupation of American territory. At that time, will the defenders of liberty show the mercy that is lacking in the US government now?
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Thinking or Obeying? Be a Human!
It seems to me that people today find thinking for themselves to be very difficult at best. We are accustomed to others (whom we think of as "superiors") telling us what to do and think. The authoritarians in power like it this way, as it is easier to control populations who wait to be instructed. Some of this behavior-modification (perhaps most of it) gets ingrained during the humanity-crushing years spent in the government indoctrination centers that we are told to call "schools". Then we move on to "jobs" which are usually a poor substitute for a meaningful trade. There we are subject to the whims of bosses who, in many cases, reach their intellectual limit by standing upright. It is no wonder that voters continue voting for the cretins who insist that they know what is best for us. News Flash!: No one knows, or can know, what is best for you as an individual except for you. Unless of course you are mentally compromised in some way. The goal of compromising your intellect is what many politicians and bureaucrats strive for each and every day. "You are not highly trained enough to defend yourself. Let us send experts to save you after you have been victimized. Our body-bags are the industry's finest." Or: "You are not smart enough to know which medications are best for you. Even if this one helps you, with no side effects, we don't like it. It sends the wrong message. Take this expensive one that you will need us to help you pay for. Never mind the horrible side effects. They will only help you welcome death." Yes, I am exagerating, but not by as much as you may think. I have faith that if you stop accepting what the authorities tell you as truth, you will be able to discern the truth for yourself. The truth can be ugly, but ugly or beautiful, it is still the truth. Wishful thinking will not change it, but thoughtful action can.
Counterfeit Laws,
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Weird Al vs. The RIAA
Weird Al Yankovic has a good commentary on the tyrants of the recording industry on his site. Plus it is hilarious!
Listen to: "Don't Download This Song" And have a nice day!
Listen to: "Don't Download This Song" And have a nice day!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Does voting make a difference? Is voting even morally right? Is voting "mob rule" or initiation of force? If 99 people vote to violate the rights of one person, is the vote right? Is "democracy" three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner? If you don't vote, do you have a right to complain about the result? If you do vote, are you obligated to go along with the result even if you are on the losing side?
I will admit that this is the one area where my opinions change regularly. This makes me think that perhaps we are asking the wrong questions. Voting results from the feeling that it is right and necessary to have a government, and that the only fair way to do so is to vote on what that government will do. I think this is a mistaken premise. If every person in the world, except for one, wanted to violate the rights of that last one, it would not be any more morally right for them to do so, than it would be for the one to violate the rights of the rest of humanity. Rights are not cumulative nor divisible. They are not subject to "regulation" or rationing. Rights are absolute for everyone, everywhere, at every time, regardless of what government would like us to believe. Voting and government are violations of our basic human rights. The Covenant of Unanimous Consent avoids these human rights abuses.
If, though, you still feel the need to vote (perhaps in self-defense), please do not vote for any incumbents, and only vote for candidates and issues that will shrink the scope and reach of government. Whenever you can, vote for the Libertarian candidate instead of either of the authoritarian candidates. Vote to legalize marijuana if you get the chance. Vote against any government-empowering issues. Never vote for a tax. As much as possible, vote against the police state. At least until it is possible to end the abomination of government once and for all.
I will admit that this is the one area where my opinions change regularly. This makes me think that perhaps we are asking the wrong questions. Voting results from the feeling that it is right and necessary to have a government, and that the only fair way to do so is to vote on what that government will do. I think this is a mistaken premise. If every person in the world, except for one, wanted to violate the rights of that last one, it would not be any more morally right for them to do so, than it would be for the one to violate the rights of the rest of humanity. Rights are not cumulative nor divisible. They are not subject to "regulation" or rationing. Rights are absolute for everyone, everywhere, at every time, regardless of what government would like us to believe. Voting and government are violations of our basic human rights. The Covenant of Unanimous Consent avoids these human rights abuses.
If, though, you still feel the need to vote (perhaps in self-defense), please do not vote for any incumbents, and only vote for candidates and issues that will shrink the scope and reach of government. Whenever you can, vote for the Libertarian candidate instead of either of the authoritarian candidates. Vote to legalize marijuana if you get the chance. Vote against any government-empowering issues. Never vote for a tax. As much as possible, vote against the police state. At least until it is possible to end the abomination of government once and for all.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
"Hope" for the Future
I have mentioned it before, but I will again. You really need to read the book "Hope" by L. Neil Smith and Aaron Zelman. It is a very good book and is a blueprint for what a President should be, and should do. It is MY blueprint for my presidency. I am not one for drama or showmanship. I know what must be done, and I am willing to work towards that goal. I know that the Bill of Rights must be enforced, and that it is a package deal; you cannot pick and choose among the Amendments and only enforce the ones you like. The Constitution was only ratified after the Bill of Rights was promised. Ignore one Amendment and the entire deal is off. If the deal is off, then the US government is no longer the legitimate government of America. If it then tries to force itself on America, it has become a terrorist group occupying our land. The only Amendment in the Bill of Rights that has not been violated by the US government(yet)is the Third Amendment; the one forbidding troops in our homes. A libertarian president like the book's Alexander Hope (or like Kent McManigal) would understand and act on this chilling knowledge.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Will the "Right Law" Save Us?
Why is it that many people, when confronted by problems, tend to look to government to "fix" things? I think it is because we have been conditioned to think this way. Whenever I hear a report of some newly discovered, or recently exhumed, problem, I notice that the first comments seem to be "what laws can be passed to stop this?" This is the kind of immature thinking that has given us the legal pollution we are choking under today. Laws do not fix anything, but instead, make the problem worse. Living by the Zero Aggression Principle, or even the Golden Rule, would give us the liberty we need to form a better society. All other laws are just noise. It all comes down to personal responsibility and self governing. Without the two of them, no law will ever help us in any way.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Conspiracy Theories
Did the US feds destroy the World Trade Center? Was the Oklahoma City bombing an inside job? The fact that anyone even considers such ideas shows that Americans have lost faith in The US government. With good reason. Just because the US had motive and means to carry out these attacks, and that they are also the ones in charge of investigating the crimes (so they could fabricate any evidence they need) does not mean they are actually guilty. The real conspiracy that has damaged America is what has happened since then. It is not even a secret conspiracy. Government at all levels has declared war on freedom. Vast governmental resources have been co-opted to demonize liberty in every way possible. Brainwashed people now believe that "patriotism" means unthinking loyalty to the US government instead of loyalty to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which are, at the very core, what America is. Police and other enforcers all over the country are being trained that if anyone speaks of these founding documents of America, then they are potential terrorists. Do you realize how backwards this is? Americans who honor America are now defined as terrorists by the very agents and bureaucrats who kill and destroy in order to impose a nazi-style police state on us? The real terrorists are calling patriots "terrorists". George Orwell would nod knowingly.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Wanna-Be Enforcers
A couple years ago (spring 2004), I had a long conversation with a college student who was on course to throw away his life as an enforcer of counterfeit "laws".
A television was playing a news story about some perceived threat to the state capitol building. I commented that we would probably be better off without it, and the corruption it represents. He disagreed.
We then got into a friendly discussion regarding government.
He informed me he was going into law enforcement when he graduated college. He had been taking the law enforcement courses.
I asked him what his thoughts were about enforcing laws which violated the Constitution and Bill of Rights. His responses still haunt me.
His view (and I am forced to assume that this is what he was being taught) was that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written for a different era, and do not apply to us any more. They are just something that wackos quote, and should be forgotten.
He told me that without government cracking down on citizens, chaos would erupt.
It was obvious from his attitude that cops are being trained from day one that it is "us against them".
So be it.
There are still a few, usually older, cops who understand their duty, and remember who they work for, but more and more the newer enforcers have the militarized mindset, dress-code, and swagger, and are out to feel the rush of combat. Combat against America in the form of "The War on Drugs", "Illegal Guns", "The War on Terror", and whatever the hobgoblin of the week happens to be.
These cops are traitors; domestic enemies pure and simple.
A television was playing a news story about some perceived threat to the state capitol building. I commented that we would probably be better off without it, and the corruption it represents. He disagreed.
We then got into a friendly discussion regarding government.
He informed me he was going into law enforcement when he graduated college. He had been taking the law enforcement courses.
I asked him what his thoughts were about enforcing laws which violated the Constitution and Bill of Rights. His responses still haunt me.
His view (and I am forced to assume that this is what he was being taught) was that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written for a different era, and do not apply to us any more. They are just something that wackos quote, and should be forgotten.
He told me that without government cracking down on citizens, chaos would erupt.
It was obvious from his attitude that cops are being trained from day one that it is "us against them".
So be it.
There are still a few, usually older, cops who understand their duty, and remember who they work for, but more and more the newer enforcers have the militarized mindset, dress-code, and swagger, and are out to feel the rush of combat. Combat against America in the form of "The War on Drugs", "Illegal Guns", "The War on Terror", and whatever the hobgoblin of the week happens to be.
These cops are traitors; domestic enemies pure and simple.
Counterfeit Laws,
militarized cops,
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Freedom Zones
It seems as though America, as a whole, gets less free and more draconian every day. Some people will resist this alone, in their own homes, surrounded by neighbors who slavishly worship the US police state. Others are joining together with other freedom lovers and moving to areas where they can support one another against the encroaching tyranny. The Free State Project and Free State Wyoming are the most famous/popular/successful of these movements. I would suggest that if seeking the company of other libertarian minded folks sounds good to you, that you look into both of these projects and see if you might find a brighter, more free future in either New Hampshire or Wyoming.
I think there is a place for the lone freedom outlaw ("firefly") and for the free region groups. These are just different methods to the same goal. Each person will find the niche that works best for themselves. Historically the freedom movement has mostly been the lone firefly against the world; it is time to try some other ways and see if they might be more effective. Liberty for ALL!
I think there is a place for the lone freedom outlaw ("firefly") and for the free region groups. These are just different methods to the same goal. Each person will find the niche that works best for themselves. Historically the freedom movement has mostly been the lone firefly against the world; it is time to try some other ways and see if they might be more effective. Liberty for ALL!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
As President, I will ......
I just noticed that I have not been announcing what I would do if I were elected President. I have not promised to give money to this or that crisis. I haven't rattled my saber at any "outlaw nation". I haven't been doing any of the typical politician-type things. That is because I am not a politician. I am an individual. I care about my country. I want to leave it better than I found it. My presidential philosophy is similar to the way I behave in the wilderness. I don't litter or destroy, and I repair any damage that others have done before me (that I can), and I pick up whatever trash I can carry out. Those entrusted to take care of America in the past have done a dismal job. They have littered with millions of toxic laws. They have looted our futures with confiscatory taxes. They have sprayed graffiti on the Constitution so that it can say what they want it to say. I don't know about you, but I hate stepping in "it" when someone has used the woods for a toilet and not finished the job by burying it. Government has been using America as its personal toilet for generations, and it is time to clean up the mess. It will not be pleasant. It will not be easy. Some Americans have grown attached to the stench, and will scream mightily when we begin cleaning up. If they love wallowing in filth, they are free to turn their own house into an open sewer if they so desire, but no one has the right to force us all to keep living in a nationwide cesspool. I intend to begin the reclamation of America. Will you help?
Friday, October 20, 2006
Wrong is Wrong
If the government passed a law that declared that rape was legal, how many of us would immediately go out to commit one? Zero libertarians would, because it is against our principle. The Zero Aggression Principle to be precise. Authoritarian types, though, seem only to care about what is "legal"; not what is right. Torture, secret trials, gun laws, drug laws, militarized police, taxation; all these things may be legal, but they are still evil and wrong. No amount of law or enforcement will ever make "wrong" right. The IRS claims that the income tax is legal because they arrest people for defying it. That is the silliest justification I have ever heard. If I pass a "law" that says I can enter your house and take what I want, and then use the fact that I will shoot anyone who objects as my justification, does that make my actions legal? Of course not. Government can't be allowed to make its own rules, then judge whether its rules are OK, just as I can't. Judges should only be paid when they rule against the government if we were to try to reverse the abuses of the past couple hundred years. You cannot have the "impartial judge" working for only one side as they are now. The only times they rule against the government are when they are making a show of being fair, not when they could actually make a difference. They never strike a crippling blow to the US police state. This must change if America is to survive.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Emergency Preparedness
Do you have enough food and supplies to keep yourself and your family healthy in case of an emergency? I am not talking about M16s for every member of the family, and enough ammo to keep away hordes of looters (although that isn't a bad idea). I am talking about food (that doesn't need refrigeration), water, heating/cooking fuel, medical supplies, and the like. A natural disaster can hit any part of the world at any time. Governmental and social disasters can also hit anywhere there are other people. You should keep enough food to feed your whole family for a week or two at least. If anyone in your house is dependent on any medical supplies, be sure to keep ahead on purchasing them, as well. As has been shown rather graphically time after time, government will not come to your rescue, and may actually make the problem much worse as it did in New Orleans after Katrina.
You should also get a kit together in the event of having to leave your house without warning. Called a "Bug-Out Bag" this should have enough to keep you going for at least 72 hours. Even some of the mainstream media have begun to mention disaster preparedness as something Americans should think about. You are responsible for your own safety. No government cares as much about you as you do. Any preparations are better than none.
Here is a partial listing of the contents of my personal Bug-Out Bag:
BACKPACK to carry it all
Shelter: wool blanket
Water: Purification tablets
6 Bottles of water
Parched corn
6 energy bars
Fire: Magnesium fire starter
6 Candles
3 Sterno
Dry tinder
Health: Toilet paper
Antibiotic ointment
Extra clothing
Cotton Balls
Baking Soda
Security: Folding knife
Sharpening stone
Hand-powered flashlight
Wind-up alarm clock
You should also get a kit together in the event of having to leave your house without warning. Called a "Bug-Out Bag" this should have enough to keep you going for at least 72 hours. Even some of the mainstream media have begun to mention disaster preparedness as something Americans should think about. You are responsible for your own safety. No government cares as much about you as you do. Any preparations are better than none.
Here is a partial listing of the contents of my personal Bug-Out Bag:
BACKPACK to carry it all
Shelter: wool blanket
Water: Purification tablets
6 Bottles of water
Parched corn
6 energy bars
Fire: Magnesium fire starter
6 Candles
3 Sterno
Dry tinder
Health: Toilet paper
Antibiotic ointment
Extra clothing
Cotton Balls
Baking Soda
Security: Folding knife
Sharpening stone
Hand-powered flashlight
Wind-up alarm clock
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The Roswell Lies

The story is that a flying saucer crashed in Roswell, New Mexico on July 2, 1947. Did it happen or not? I first heard the story in the early 1970's while I lived in Waco, Texas (the scene of more notorious lies by the US gov decades later) so I know the story did not start circulating in the mid 1980's as I have heard it claimed. Ignoring the sensational aspects of the story, the only thing that I believe we can ever know for certain is that the US government has been caught lying about this event time after time. Initially gov stated that it had captured a flying saucer. Then changed the story to say it was a weather balloon. Then said that it was a balloon from Project Mogul, and that the "alien bodies" were crash test dummies that were dropped on the area almost a decade after the event. Whether you believe in UFOs or The Roswell Incident, the one undeniable thing is that the US government lied about this time and again, and made liars out of the military people who they fingered to spread each subsequent version of their story. This is not the action of an honorable group who deserve any loyalty. We have been invaded by aliens, and they are the humans who run and worship government. Take back our planet for the real, free, human race.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The FCC: Owners of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
When I think of all the useless government agencies out there, one shining example of utter waste comes to mind. The FCC. Originally conceived to keep radio stations from overlapping their signals (at least, this was the excuse used), this agency now seems to think it owns all of the atmosphere around America. The "overlapping signal" was a counterfeit problem to begin with. It is not in the interest of radio stations to have a frequency too close to another nearby station. Who would want to listen if there were two stations broadcasting on the same frequency? Try it by tuning into some distant AM stations and see how long you would listen to that. The stations had already privately solved this before government came rushing in to rescue them.
Their censors have bewildering standards. If I were not a libertarian and I were trying to keep the airwaves "decent" I would not let half of the garbage be broadcast that they allow. Yet they levy huge fines for nonsense violations of the bizarre rules that they do have. The First Amendment reminds government that it has zero authority to regulate the press or to control free speech. Regardless of "public sensibilities". Popular speech needs no protection. No one is forced to own a radio or television. The stations do a pretty good job of advertising the type of programming you are likely to see or hear when you tune them in. If you are afraid of seeing bare flesh, don't watch Cinemax. If you don't wish to hear certain words, don't watch HBO. If somewhat milder stuff offends you, don't watch CBS, NBC, FOX, or.... You do not have a right to not be offended.
Radio waves are nothing but a form of electromagnetic radiation; like light. Government can't own light. FCC licensing is absurd. Ham radio operators are "required" to get a license, and they seem to think it is a honor to bow to the requirement. Does government really think that unlicensed radio signals are a threat to America? In Great Britain, the royal subjects must license their TV sets. How much longer until the FCC, in order to protect us, starts requiring the same? Support any "pirate" broadcasters in your area.
Their censors have bewildering standards. If I were not a libertarian and I were trying to keep the airwaves "decent" I would not let half of the garbage be broadcast that they allow. Yet they levy huge fines for nonsense violations of the bizarre rules that they do have. The First Amendment reminds government that it has zero authority to regulate the press or to control free speech. Regardless of "public sensibilities". Popular speech needs no protection. No one is forced to own a radio or television. The stations do a pretty good job of advertising the type of programming you are likely to see or hear when you tune them in. If you are afraid of seeing bare flesh, don't watch Cinemax. If you don't wish to hear certain words, don't watch HBO. If somewhat milder stuff offends you, don't watch CBS, NBC, FOX, or.... You do not have a right to not be offended.
Radio waves are nothing but a form of electromagnetic radiation; like light. Government can't own light. FCC licensing is absurd. Ham radio operators are "required" to get a license, and they seem to think it is a honor to bow to the requirement. Does government really think that unlicensed radio signals are a threat to America? In Great Britain, the royal subjects must license their TV sets. How much longer until the FCC, in order to protect us, starts requiring the same? Support any "pirate" broadcasters in your area.
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Constitution
I hear a lot of libertarians argue that the Constitution is irrelevent. That it is either directly responsible for the police state we now live under, or that it did nothing to prevent it. Perhaps. It is still the only thing that even the worst jabbuts (jack-booted thugs) pretend to operate under. This is why we must constantly remind them that they do not even obey their own laws. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are this country's highest law. They outrank all others. Even the corrupt Supreme Court has ruled that no one is under any obligation to obey any "law" which is prohibited by these documents. Of course, they will almost never say that a "law" is unconstitutional; especially when it would bring down a whole sector of the government and leave them open to imprisonment and execution, such as victim disarmament "laws".
I think it goes even deeper. Government must be reminded and shown that if it operates outside its authority and does not honor the Constitution, then it is no longer upholding its end of the bargain. It has ceased being legitimate and has become an occupying government of criminals. Remind them often.
Yes, I realize that no one alive agreed to be bound by the Constitution. I never agreed to be bound by the "laws" that are passed daily in any government hive. Government can not be allowed to continue ignoring the laws that apply to them, but then insisting that we, the people, must live under the "laws" they inflict on us. That is a recipe for their own destruction.
I think it goes even deeper. Government must be reminded and shown that if it operates outside its authority and does not honor the Constitution, then it is no longer upholding its end of the bargain. It has ceased being legitimate and has become an occupying government of criminals. Remind them often.
Yes, I realize that no one alive agreed to be bound by the Constitution. I never agreed to be bound by the "laws" that are passed daily in any government hive. Government can not be allowed to continue ignoring the laws that apply to them, but then insisting that we, the people, must live under the "laws" they inflict on us. That is a recipe for their own destruction.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Delusions of Grandeur

I have no illusions or delusions about my importance in the presidential race, or even in life. Very, very few people read my blogs. Few people visit my webpage. No world "leaders" are worried that I would be in a position to help America shake off its authoritarian chains. Most of the time, I don't really mind. Freedom is not a popular goal. If it were, there would be no need for people such as myself to run for president. If even 10 or 20% of Americans were really hungering for liberty the way I do, America would be a free country. Too many of us believe that government will protect us, without seeing that government is the vampire draining our life-blood, while it pretends to keep the ghosts from getting us. I don't know if this will change in my lifetime, though I can always hope. Will I play a part in the change if it occurs? I really can't say. With the internet, these posts will be available for future readers. Perhaps something I wrote will reach the right person at the right time. Will this blog lead to a "Kent Presidency"? Not unless some universe-altering quantum fluctuation occurs. I am afraid that any libertarian (or Libertarian) president we would be likely to elect will be more like the authoritarians we already struggle under. It is still worth the effort, though. Freedom is worth it. America deserves to be free.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I Missed a Major News Story!
Yesterday, I somehow missed the fact that it was Friday the 13th! How could I have let such a momentous event pass unnoticed? Because I am not paraskevidekatriaphobic. I am astonished that people even think about these things. But then I see otherwise intelligent people who are superstitious about everything under the sun. Superstition is the belief that mysterious, unseen forces guide your life and control your destiny. These "forces" can be appeased by doing certain "rituals" or saying magical words at the right time. I suppose it can be comforting to some to believe that they do not really have control over most of the things that happen in their lives, or that they can appeal to the universe to favor them. It is harder to accept responsibility. Stay alert. Stay awake, and don't blame mysterious forces when things don't go the way you want. The blame (and the credit) usually lies with the person who looks at you from the mirror.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Consentual sex between adults is none of my business, nor is it any of your business. Unless someone chooses to make it your business, but even in that case, you have no authority to enforce your moral code on the other person. I can't understand the notion that it is fair game for government busy-bodies to pry into. If you are the recipient of unwanted sexual advances, say "no". There is no need to get violent or hateful. Forced sex is never right and you have every right to defend yourself against it with as much force as it takes to stop the threat. "Age of consent" is strictly a government notion. One size does not fit all, because biology is not constrained by "law", but sexual activity IS constrained by biology, so children are always off-limits. Most people are decent, and whether they are homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, polyamorous, or asexual does not change that fact. If you wish to rent or trade your sexual favors, that is your business(literally). Discrimination based on a person's sex life is stupid and wrong, but there should not be "laws" punishing discrimination. Stupidity is not, or should not be, illegal. Nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it suggest that these Rights apply to "everyone except ____________ ". Violate the rights of another person, and you are guilty. Sexual lifestyle does not figure into the equation anywhere. If marriage (of any kind) is your desire, do it without government approval. You do not need it. Government has zero authority in that area unless you willingly give it to them. Don't.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Government Dog-Kickers
Rights supercede any laws issued by any "authority". Any legitimacy a law has comes only from the Right which the law is enacted to protect. Any "law" which seeks to violate, infringe, regulate, license, limit or downplay any Right is abhorrent and must be most vigorously opposed.
The United States has too many "laws". Every time someone has any difficulty, they seem to think it is their right to have a law to protect them from this indignity. After centuries of this idiocy, we now have a "legal" code that it would be absolutely impossible to know, even if you did nothing else but read the "laws" every day for your entire life. This will backfire. If you have a dog and you make up random or ridiculous rules for him to live by, and kick him everytime he doesn't, will you have a well-behaved dog? No, you will have an aggressive dog that will be a grave danger to you and anyone else he views as a threat. Government has been lucky, so far, that humans are more compliant and forgiving than dogs. Perhaps they will continue to be lucky, but I doubt it. I don't think government believes their luck will continue, either. This is why new, even more draconian "laws" get passed constantly. They are desperate to get anyone who might oppose them disarmed and in "the system" where they can be more thoroughly controlled. It may work for a time. But...They can't control us all.
The United States has too many "laws". Every time someone has any difficulty, they seem to think it is their right to have a law to protect them from this indignity. After centuries of this idiocy, we now have a "legal" code that it would be absolutely impossible to know, even if you did nothing else but read the "laws" every day for your entire life. This will backfire. If you have a dog and you make up random or ridiculous rules for him to live by, and kick him everytime he doesn't, will you have a well-behaved dog? No, you will have an aggressive dog that will be a grave danger to you and anyone else he views as a threat. Government has been lucky, so far, that humans are more compliant and forgiving than dogs. Perhaps they will continue to be lucky, but I doubt it. I don't think government believes their luck will continue, either. This is why new, even more draconian "laws" get passed constantly. They are desperate to get anyone who might oppose them disarmed and in "the system" where they can be more thoroughly controlled. It may work for a time. But...They can't control us all.
Counterfeit Laws,
Law Pollution,
police state,
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Governing While Intoxicated
While driving around today I saw one of those "public service" billboards which seem to be everywhere promoting socialist ideals. It said "Buzzed driving is drunk driving". My response: No, it is not. I don't know of anyone, even hardcore alcoholics, who think it is a good idea to drive while you are drunk. The problem is that the government has defined "drunk" so broadly that it is now completely meaningless. If someone does not act drunk, it does not matter what their blood-alcohol level is; they are not drunk. What is the issue is how they act and react, not whether there is alcohol in their bloodstream. Back in 1999 in the middle of the night, I watched a cop give a kid "sobriety tests" in Gunnison CO for over a half hour. The guy passed every single test that the bad(ge) guy threw at him. At least until the crooked cop had exhausted the poor man, and he finally slipped up on one test; then it was hand-cuffs and into the car for him. This is criminal behavior "authorized" by a badge and a gun. If cops want people to have respect for them, and for real laws, they must stop enforcing counterfeit "laws" such as this.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Goin' Nuclear
Maybe North Korea has "the Bomb", and maybe not. There are a lot of governments which do; does one more really make a difference? It would be better if no one had nuclear weapons, but just as with many things, that is only a "what if". The reality is that nuclear weapons do exist. Now the question is whether it is as terrible as the media makes it sound IF N.Korea has a nuke. My guess is that it doesn't make any difference. The biggest, most aggressive government in existence has had nukes for over 60 years. Why do they think that it is OK for them to stockpile these weapons, but no one else should? It is the same reason that they keep fully automatic rifles, but almost totally forbid private ownership of the same guns; they wish to be able to have their way with you or anyone anywhere on the planet. Government is a spoiled child who can destroy worlds at the push of a button. But here is the main thing to keep in mind: is it likely that Koreans would target and kill you, personally, with any kind of weapon? Not at all. You have much, much more to fear from the agents of the US government. Americans are more likely to be killed by a cop than by (other kinds of) terrorists. Think about that in light of the Homeland Security fear-mongering. Neither of these risks is even in the "top 10" anyway. Don't be distracted from living free by media induced panic.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Have you noticed how much of your time you must spend in order to stay "legal"? I think this is a way government gets you to use up a lot of your energy that you could otherwise be using to oppose them. They keep you so busy that you don't really notice what they are doing. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by this tactic. Always remember that the busywork is not legal in most cases. Remember who is forcing you to do it. What types of things am I talking about? You must fill out tax forms, and make sure you keep the records. Keep your car registration up to date or the Bad(ge) Guys will have an excuse to pull you over and molest you. Are all your official papers in order? Do you have all the permits the Storm Troopers require? There are thousands of nonsensical busywork-type things we are forced to do and then keep up with. It cheapens life to be forced to deal with all this garbage. The real problem comes from the punishments dealt out to us when we are not careful enough in dotting "I"s or crossing "T"s. Government can, will, and does destroy lives, steal homes and possessions, and murder innocent people who did nothing more "evil" than sloppy paperworking. Government only has the authority to inflict requirements on you that you allow them to inflict. Stop allowing it. Withdraw consent to be governed by criminal gangs.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Pop Culture
I frequently hear intelligent people brag that they don't know who such-and-such celebrity is, or that they NEVER watch TV or something similar. It is as if not knowing anything about pop culture is a badge of honor. L. Neil Smith says you can't fight something you have no knowledge of. My brain stores a lot of useless junk that I don't even remember being exposed to, so I do know a lot of pop culture info. I don't dwell on it, or even normally think about it, though. Pop culture and the media (and sports)have a way of giving common ground where it is scarce, then you can find other commonalities when you dig deeper. I enjoy some mainstream things and some very obscure things. Everyone does unless they have the depth of an oil slick on a puddle. There is a lot of garbage out there in the media, and there are a few diamonds. Recognize the difference, but don't let anyone put you down because of what you enjoy. It is, after all, your life.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Preaching Liberty

From time to time in our lives, we come across someone whose beliefs are very different, or even diametrically opposed to ours. It can be fun debating these people, as long as no one becomes angry in the process. This happens most frequently in the realms of religion and politics. It is usually pointless to try to really "convert" the other person, as in both of these areas, we "know what we know" and no amount of logic is likely to get through all of our mental defenses. Once, in debating someone, over a course of days, after making all of the points I could think of, the other person finally admitted, "What you say makes sense, but I am gonna believe what I want to". I was struck by this admission. I came to realize that when someone has a great deal invested in a belief system, be it political or religious, they can not afford to simply walk away from it. I don't blame them; I am the same way. You could trumpet the benefits of government control over every facet of our personal lives; show me examples backing up your claims, and I would know at my very core that you were wrong, and that freedom and liberty are better. So what can a liberty minded freedom outlaw do? Lead by example. Do not abandon your libertarian principles when it becomes difficult to live them. Show how much better personal responsibility is as a life style. Do not fall into the government handout trap. Do not initiate force. Do not back away from defending yourself and your family. Do not apologize for living by your principles. It time, others will notice your life. Then you can welcome them to liberty, beyond the reach of government thugs. When enough people see government for the farce it is, we will have won our freedom.
Free to Live and Ignore the Terrorists
What is a peaceful person to do? Counterfeit "laws" threaten us daily; the police have been militarized and taught that it is "them against us" from their first day of training; the Torturer-in-Chief and his minions in government at all levels think the Constitution and Bill of Rights are "just a %@#&%@$ed piece of paper" to be ignored unless it is in their interest to reference them; and almost without exception, Americans don't care. I am reading the book Unintended Consequenses and enjoying it very much. The author, John Ross, did his research. I wish we had more Americans like the heroes of this book. Perhaps even admitting this labels me a "gun-nut". I have watched freedoms being ripped away by a government out of control throughout my adult life. I recognize criminal behavior when I see it, as I am sure you do. I have watched politicians and bureaucrats acting as though they are the masters and we are their pawns, to use as they wish. I have seen extreme crimes of government go unpunished, and the thugs even rewarded and praised in many cases. And, through it all, I have seen almost all of America accept this as OK or even good. I am afraid that when government tightens the noose to the point the average American feels it, just before the trap door opens, it will be too late. It may have been too late when the Supreme Court staged the coup and stole the power to decide Constitutional issues unilaterally. My advice is: just ignore government to the best of your ability. A retired sheriff's deputy told me a few years ago, "by the time you eat breakfast in the morning, you have broken some law. Anyone can be arrested at any time. Just don't worry about it and get on with your life." I guess what I am trying to say is, don't worship the parasites; don't shoot them unless they attack you; don't even waste the energy to flip them off, unless it enriches your day to do so. Just find ways around them when you need to, and ignore their idiocy the rest of the time. Government is not worth your time. If it pleases you, vote for me or someone like me who is an avowed enemy to the present police state. Get libertarians into for every office you can vote for. If voting is against your principles, then try to convert as many police state groupies as you can to your side. And just keep living free despite the best efforts of federal terrorists, and their local terror cells.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Letters to Editors
I just spent my morning sending letters to editors of newspapers throughout the state regarding the recent school shootings. I took my two blogs on the subject and combined them into what I hope was a cogent letter. I have some reservations about writing newspapers. I have seen many letters that, while I basically agree with the writer, seem like they were written by a howling mad lunatic. I hope I did not fall into that trap. Also, I watched once as a letter writer (whom I knew) was arrested soon after his letter advocating liberty and knocking counterfeit "laws" was published. It may have been coincidental, but it makes me wonder. Government does not like to be reminded that it is no longer a legitimate authority. They do not like to have that fact pointed out publicly.
If you are willing to take the risk, please send some letters to editors. If you wish to, feel free to use my blog entries as a starting point for your own letters. Just change them enough that they are not obviously the same. The pro-government extremists are busy writing; we, with our more reasonable position, need to do the same.
If you are willing to take the risk, please send some letters to editors. If you wish to, feel free to use my blog entries as a starting point for your own letters. Just change them enough that they are not obviously the same. The pro-government extremists are busy writing; we, with our more reasonable position, need to do the same.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
White House Forms Panel on School Violence
There is no problem so bad that it can't be made orders of magnitude worse by adding government. So here they go again.
Help Me Fix the World

I don't know whether you, the reader, agrees with me or not. I would guess that most of you instinctively know that America is on the wrong path, even if you don't think I am pointing in the right direction. Whatever direction you think America should be heading, you are the most powerful force for that change. Your life belongs to you, and America (and the world) is built of the individual lives of you and me, and people just like us. The only way to really fix the world is one person at a time. If you are drawn to political action, do it. Just realize that forcing your views on others is never right. If you just want to be left alone to live as you see fit; that is great, too. Do not let anyone make you feel guilty for living your own life. If you think my views have any validity, please pass the word to others who might enjoy reading these blogs. Even if they would only enjoy reading in order to ridicule me.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Abdication of Self Defense Responsibility
The Amish school shooting (sigh) shows another side of the guns in schools issue. Guns do you no good if you have a moral prohibition against self defense. To me, self defense denial is equal to saying that your life or the lives of your family are not worth protecting. This is abominable. To me, those little Amish girls were worth dying (or going to prison for violating counterfeit "laws") to save.
I also repeat my sentiments of September 28 and add to it: Watch out for copy-cat crimes anytime a tragedy occurs. Sick evil people need little provocation to set them off. That is why these things always happen in clusters.
I also repeat my sentiments of September 28 and add to it: Watch out for copy-cat crimes anytime a tragedy occurs. Sick evil people need little provocation to set them off. That is why these things always happen in clusters.
My "Political Virginity"
On another blog (Small Government Blog) one of the commenters claimed I could be "worse than even Bush" and spoke of my "liabilities", while another pointed out that I have never held elected office and said I should start out as dog-catcher or on the local Soil & Water board.
I am still awaiting my comment to be "moderated" regarding the "worse than even Bush" claim. As far as the fact I have not held elected office, I have a few thoughts.
I would never run for dog catcher because this is not a legitimate government function; same for Soil & Water board. I have actually thought of these type positions before, but without any Constitutional legitimacy, I could no more justify holding the office than I could justify mugging poodle-walkers in the park. I once thought of running for sheriff in the Colorado county where I lived for years, since the entrenched tyrant on the job was smug and crooked, but felt that some "law enforcement" background would be essential to the job, or at least to getting elected. This would be a position where some real good could come from a libertarian knowledge of what constitutes a legitimate law rather than a counterfeit law. President of the US is different; it is not a specialized job. One must be able to see things from different perspectives, and without a lifetime of political back-scratching experience. I also feel that if you spend years getting elected to "lesser: offices, by the time you could reach a point where blog commentators feel you deserve to be President, you would be so accustomed to the political process that you would not be effective for instituting real change because by that time, you would be blind to the problem. What is needed is a political virgin, not a political whore.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
America: R.I.P.?
A lot of people are saying that The Military Commisions Act of 2006 was the death knell of America.
The United States has been killing America one piece at a time for 230 years.
When George Washington sent troops to put down tax protestors; when Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana; when the Supreme Court unilaterally decided that they would have the final word on what the Constitution means; when Lincoln used war to force the Confederate States back into the United States (and used income taxes, and forced [enslaved] troops to do the fighting); when the Second Amendment was tossed aside for the NFA in 1934; when ....you name it. There are too many to even scratch the surface.
And the pace of these abuses of federal power have been increasing for decades.
Make no mistake: the worst threat America ever faced was the United States. The US won and America lost.
I believe America lost the first time a federal employee or bureaucrat committed a violation and was permitted to live, and continued to hold office. The Constitution and Bill of Rights should have had an enforcement clause.
If we want anything resembling America to exist again, we need to put teeth into our liberty, and have the determination to USE them.
The United States has been killing America one piece at a time for 230 years.
When George Washington sent troops to put down tax protestors; when Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana; when the Supreme Court unilaterally decided that they would have the final word on what the Constitution means; when Lincoln used war to force the Confederate States back into the United States (and used income taxes, and forced [enslaved] troops to do the fighting); when the Second Amendment was tossed aside for the NFA in 1934; when ....you name it. There are too many to even scratch the surface.
And the pace of these abuses of federal power have been increasing for decades.
Make no mistake: the worst threat America ever faced was the United States. The US won and America lost.
I believe America lost the first time a federal employee or bureaucrat committed a violation and was permitted to live, and continued to hold office. The Constitution and Bill of Rights should have had an enforcement clause.
If we want anything resembling America to exist again, we need to put teeth into our liberty, and have the determination to USE them.
jury nullification,
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