Friday, October 13, 2006


Consentual sex between adults is none of my business, nor is it any of your business. Unless someone chooses to make it your business, but even in that case, you have no authority to enforce your moral code on the other person. I can't understand the notion that it is fair game for government busy-bodies to pry into. If you are the recipient of unwanted sexual advances, say "no". There is no need to get violent or hateful. Forced sex is never right and you have every right to defend yourself against it with as much force as it takes to stop the threat. "Age of consent" is strictly a government notion. One size does not fit all, because biology is not constrained by "law", but sexual activity IS constrained by biology, so children are always off-limits. Most people are decent, and whether they are homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, polyamorous, or asexual does not change that fact. If you wish to rent or trade your sexual favors, that is your business(literally). Discrimination based on a person's sex life is stupid and wrong, but there should not be "laws" punishing discrimination. Stupidity is not, or should not be, illegal. Nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it suggest that these Rights apply to "everyone except ____________ ". Violate the rights of another person, and you are guilty. Sexual lifestyle does not figure into the equation anywhere. If marriage (of any kind) is your desire, do it without government approval. You do not need it. Government has zero authority in that area unless you willingly give it to them. Don't.


  1. So how do you determine if someone is old enough to give sexual consent? If you go strictly by biology, it's going to include an awful lot of people who may be biologically ready, but not mentally or emotionally ready (which, in reality, is far more important).

  2. I don't think that is for others to decide. If someone thinks they are ready, then they are ready. Should a panel of psychologists test everyone and then give them a "sex permit"? There are many decisions that we must each make for ourselves, and then live with the consequences of our decisions. I have given my opinion to friends who I did not think were ready for sex. They did not take my advice because they thought they were ready. In every case, they survived intact. Should they be fined or jailed, or their partners fined or jailed because of it? I don't believe so. Mental and emotional readiness are a consequence of biological readiness. The biology shapes the mental and emotional state. It comes down to the fact that people will have sex when they want, and "laws" or (even more importantly parents) will be defied in order to do it.
