Monday, October 09, 2006


Have you noticed how much of your time you must spend in order to stay "legal"? I think this is a way government gets you to use up a lot of your energy that you could otherwise be using to oppose them. They keep you so busy that you don't really notice what they are doing. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by this tactic. Always remember that the busywork is not legal in most cases. Remember who is forcing you to do it. What types of things am I talking about? You must fill out tax forms, and make sure you keep the records. Keep your car registration up to date or the Bad(ge) Guys will have an excuse to pull you over and molest you. Are all your official papers in order? Do you have all the permits the Storm Troopers require? There are thousands of nonsensical busywork-type things we are forced to do and then keep up with. It cheapens life to be forced to deal with all this garbage. The real problem comes from the punishments dealt out to us when we are not careful enough in dotting "I"s or crossing "T"s. Government can, will, and does destroy lives, steal homes and possessions, and murder innocent people who did nothing more "evil" than sloppy paperworking. Government only has the authority to inflict requirements on you that you allow them to inflict. Stop allowing it. Withdraw consent to be governed by criminal gangs.

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