Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Hope" for the Future

I have mentioned it before, but I will again. You really need to read the book "Hope" by L. Neil Smith and Aaron Zelman. It is a very good book and is a blueprint for what a President should be, and should do. It is MY blueprint for my presidency. I am not one for drama or showmanship. I know what must be done, and I am willing to work towards that goal. I know that the Bill of Rights must be enforced, and that it is a package deal; you cannot pick and choose among the Amendments and only enforce the ones you like. The Constitution was only ratified after the Bill of Rights was promised. Ignore one Amendment and the entire deal is off. If the deal is off, then the US government is no longer the legitimate government of America. If it then tries to force itself on America, it has become a terrorist group occupying our land. The only Amendment in the Bill of Rights that has not been violated by the US government(yet)is the Third Amendment; the one forbidding troops in our homes. A libertarian president like the book's Alexander Hope (or like Kent McManigal) would understand and act on this chilling knowledge.

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