Monday, October 02, 2006

My "Political Virginity"

On another blog (Small Government Blog) one of the commenters claimed I could be "worse than even Bush" and spoke of my "liabilities", while another pointed out that I have never held elected office and said I should start out as dog-catcher or on the local Soil & Water board.

I am still awaiting my comment to be "moderated" regarding the "worse than even Bush" claim. As far as the fact I have not held elected office, I have a few thoughts.

I would never run for dog catcher because this is not a legitimate government function; same for Soil & Water board. I have actually thought of these type positions before, but without any Constitutional legitimacy, I could no more justify holding the office than I could justify mugging poodle-walkers in the park. I once thought of running for sheriff in the Colorado county where I lived for years, since the entrenched tyrant on the job was smug and crooked, but felt that some "law enforcement" background would be essential to the job, or at least to getting elected. This would be a position where some real good could come from a libertarian knowledge of what constitutes a legitimate law rather than a counterfeit law. President of the US is different; it is not a specialized job. One must be able to see things from different perspectives, and without a lifetime of political back-scratching experience. I also feel that if you spend years getting elected to "lesser: offices, by the time you could reach a point where blog commentators feel you deserve to be President, you would be so accustomed to the political process that you would not be effective for instituting real change because by that time, you would be blind to the problem. What is needed is a political virgin, not a political whore.

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