Saturday, March 16, 2024

Spoiled toddlers and their imaginary legitimacy

Authoritarians commonly try to portray those who value liberty as childish. Wanting to control your own life— childish? Really?

Which is more childish: wanting to control your own life or demanding the power— they claim it’s their right— to control the lives of everyone else? It should be obvious to anyone not brainwashed.

How many times have you seen spoiled toddlers screaming and throwing a fit to gain control over the adults around them? This is authoritarians to a T.

When I hear some statist strutting around claiming to be "the adult in the room" or the one having "the hard adult conversation", I picture a spoiled toddler pretending to be the parent. I picture a caricature. A foolish person, being evil while trying to hide behind a fiction. Even if they are unaware of the true nature of what they are doing. This isn't the way of the responsible adult.

Here are some of the 

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