Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Fairness isn't a real thing

Whenever I hear someone complaining that this or that "isn't fair" I have a really hard time not rolling my eyes.

Of course things aren't fair. They are just now getting a clue?

Sometimes I tell them the same thing I have told my 9 year-old daughter: "Fair" isn't a real thing. Don't expect it.

It's funny how rarely I hear that particular complaint from my daughter, even with other kids whining about it constantly all around her. She tends to focus on real things, things I might actually be able to help her solve, rather than worrying that the world isn't fair.

But, that the Universe isn't fair is no excuse for me to not try to make people believe it is when they are dealing with me. The Universe isn't fair, and doesn't care, or love, or try to help. That is MY job.

As Dilbert's Scott Adams has pointed out, "Fair" is just a concept invented so children and idiots could participate in discussions. And boy, do they rely on it!

If fair were a feature of reality-- of the Universe-- I would be making a lot more money based on how much work I do. Both with my writing and with the things I do for other people, unpaid. But it isn't, and I don't. I'm not going to stop because of this lack of fairness.

If I could figure out how to consistently turn effort and output into money, I would share the secret with everyone so it would no longer be a secret. Apparently- for me, anyway- Steemit isn't the answer. It would only be "fair".

There are a lot of other people in the same or worse situations. Some fighting "unfairness" beyond anything I can comprehend. I'm glad I'm not in their shoes; aware I could find myself there without warning.

So, no, the world isn't fair. But you can fake it, and for one bright and shining moment, make someone believe it might sometimes be. That is within your power.

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A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Free market works despite laws

(My Clovis News Journal column for July 29, 2016)

Most people do the right thing (my chosen headline)

I try to assume everyone is generally decent until they prove otherwise. If they weren't, society would be impossible; government or no government. Good people don't need to be governed, bad people can't be, and smart bad people become government.

Look for problems, and you'll find them. If you treat people as you want to be treated, most will meet you halfway.

My dad and I recently set up his motor home in a small, privately owned RV park. While we were eating lunch about 20 miles away, one of the park owners was fiddling with the water spigot and negligently turned on the water to the motor home's "black water" flush-out hose. "Black water" is the RV euphemism for sewage.

As we were heading back, we got a call saying water was running out of the motor home. Why they didn't turn off the water as soon as they noticed is a mystery. When we got back to the park, it was worse than we feared. Water was flowing out of the RV anywhere it could escape. The "black water" tank had filled, breaking the toilet valve, and was overflowing into the motor home, and beyond.

Inside the RV was a horror show, particularly for my mom's cat who had stowed away and was awaiting a ride home.

We cleaned up the mess the best we could, readied the motor home for travel, and brought it back for cleaning and repair.

The RV park owners gracefully offered to pay for damages and cleaning.

Now, you can say this isn't how things always work out, and you would be right. Some people would say "not my problem". But, would you patronize their business ever again? Would your word-of-mouth advertising send them new customers? How long would they stay in business?

In a free society this would be the norm, rather than the exception. In fact, I believe it already is-- outside of government-- since people who depend on you making the choice to voluntarily spend your money with them want to keep you happy.

Only those you are forced to pay-- government bureaucracies-- can completely ignore your satisfaction. What do they care? If you refuse to pay for their services, they will send armed bullies to either get your money or kill you.

On the other hand, the free market works, even when crippled by having to work around government's made up laws. I'm happy to give it a chance.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always stepping up. .

Prohibition is drug abuse

A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Churches contaminated by cops

I get it that bad guys are welcomed in churches, supposedly so they can be convinced to repent- which means, don't continue to do the bad thing anymore. People in churches usually want to give bad guys a chance to stop being bad guys, and I can respect that.

But what if the bad guys don't even admit they are doing anything wrong?

Would your church allow an unrepentant murderer to attend without calling him out on it? Without demanding he turn from his ways and atone? Probably even insisting that he accept the painful and unpleasant consequences for his actions?

Would a church just let a rapist who admits he has non-voluntary sex with people on a daily basis, but who denies he's doing anything wrong by doing so (perhaps rejecting the label of "rape" for his actions), keep sitting among the members? Sunday after Sunday, without calling him aside about what he continues to do?

If your church allows cops to attend, without insisting they turn from their ways and stop being a cop, it is doing the exact same thing. If they attend church in uniform, it's even worse. In this case they are celebrating and advertising what they do. Probably even being prideful about it. And delusional church members may even believe they are doing a good thing!

But there are no good cops, and good people can't support cops without compromising away their good. It doesn't change matters if you are sitting in a pew, or standing behind a pulpit. If you condone what cops do, you have no moral high ground from which to speak to anyone about moral matters. You are an empty shell.

If I attended church I couldn't continue to attend one that didn't ask cops who showed up for services to turn from their ways. Relentlessly, until they change "jobs" or stop attending. My dislike for hypocrisy and inconsistency just wouldn't let me stay.

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A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Monday, August 29, 2016

I'm nice, but I won't lie to you

People who know me consider me a nice guy, so it shocks them when I refuse to lie and say cops are OK people. (And actually, the same goes for all politicians and bureaucrats- they are not OK. Not ever!) I will always admit that cops are bad guys.

"Polite society" just doesn't do that!

Since I am nice, people expect me to excuse cops, or go with the hilariously absurd "few bad apples" narrative. I won't do it.

I may say nothing if I don't have time to get into an argument, or if I don't believe you will be swayed. Never mistake my silence as agreement, though.

I am nice, but more than that, I am too good a person to lie to spare your feelings.

Your friendly uncle who is a cop is a bad guy. A scum. An archator. You need to accept reality, but if you choose not to, I won't lie to help you avoid the truth. That wouldn't be good of me- or nice, either.

A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Pirates and cops- but I repeat myself

I like pirates. Not the real pirates who archate, but fictional pirates who are often noble scoundrels and outlaws, but who don't really do much evil (and do none in the real world, because they are fictional). And I love their weapons and how they dress.

I recognize the difference between the fictional pirates I love and the real ones, who are all scum.

Too bad people who admire cops (one type of real-life pirates) can't do the same. They like- often to the point of worship- actual bad guys. You just shouldn't do that.

I have liked some fictional cops. Just like with pirates, I realize fiction isn't reality.

I won't call for your murder if you defend yourself with deadly force from a real-life pirate, whether he's a cop or not.

Cop lovers are delusional.

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Magic words

Magic words. So many people place hope in them. If they find the "right" definition, it will banish the bullies of the State, or otherwise protect them. Or so they believe.

Here's a free clue: the bullies of the State don't give a crap about your definitions- even if they are correct. They don't give a crap about mine, either.

They are going to do what they are going to do. No recitation of magical words will make them change their minds or their behavior.

But... what definitions can do is change the way YOU think about things. In a big way. They can make you see reality in a different light. That is where they are useful and helpful, not in court or when facing Blue Line Gang scum.

Maybe- just maybe- used correctly, definitions can change someone else's mind, too.

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A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Lying to Government

I was raised to always tell the truth, although I have often fallen short of that goal. I don't even like lying to save someone's feelings from being hurt. My second wife used to ridicule me for not lying "enough".

So this may seem uncharacteristic.

I think it is often more moral and ethical to lie to government agents and bureaucrats than it is to be truthful with them. It may be dangerous to do the right thing, though.

If you had lived in Nazi Germany, would you have lied to protect hidden Jews? It was illegal and dangerous to do so. But it was the right thing to do.

Would you feel guilty if you got mugged and hid the fact that you have $20 in your shoe? Are you obligated to reveal it to the mugger so he can take it? Only a fool would say "yes". 

In a consensual relationship, I can see the point of being totally open with the other party (although even that may not be best, and may damage any relationship).

No one is obligated to be truthful in a coercive "relationship" such as between you and The State or a freelance mugger. 

It's a small matter of degree between protecting innocent people from freelance bullies, and lying to an IRS agent about your neighbor's off-the-books home business. It may well be a matter of survival to your neighbor.

One of the most important times to lie to government is when you have a chance to be selected for a jury. This is one of your few opportunities to save someone from government in a concrete way.

Tyranny fighter Julian Heicklen reminds us:

Judge will tell jurors they must uphold the law as he gives it.
If you are a dishonorable person, you will agree.
If you are an honest person you will decline and be removed as a juror.
If you are an honorable person, you will agree and then ignore the oath.

It can not be wrong to lie to keep someone from being violated by someone else. Not ever.

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(Updated from a really old post)

A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Archate (ark-ate)


to initiate force; to use violence against someone who isn't being violent; to start the fight; to throw the first punch; to attack without a credible imminent threat of being attacked;
also, to violate the private property of another, to steal, rob, "tax"; to malevolently trespass; to force others to use their property in a particular way, or to prevent them from using their property as they wish, even though it would violate no other person or property; to bully or govern.

From "arch(ós)" leader, king, ruler , and "-ate", the exercise of such a function

Forms- Archate, archation, archator: one who archates.

This is the meaning of "tread on", as in "Don't tread on me" (or anyone!).

I am an anarchist. I do not archate, nor do I support those who do.

"No human being has the right, under ANY circumstances, to archate, nor to advocate or delegate archation."

Of course, since the Zero Aggression Principle (linked above) isn't a "thou shalt not" to be applied to others, but is instead a promise from me to you, letting you know what to expect in dealings with me, you are free to archate, but you are stepping outside what you have a right to do if you choose to do so, and in that case anyone has the right to defend themselves from you. No job or position can give you the right to archate, because such a right doesn't exist and therefore can not be delegated to anyone.

A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Manipulated into v*ting

I don't need a president. I don't support Trump or Clinton (or Johnson, or even Vermin Supreme). I won't v*te. I have no pony in the show, but...

It is obvious to me how badly the mainstream mass media wants Hillary to win. So they do everything they can to paint Trump as UltraHitler, and to fool The People into v*ting for Hillary Clinton. It's so obvious it should be embarrassing to them.

Hillary's shortcomings, health problems, and crimes are ignored or glossed over. Everything Trump does is snatched up, latched onto, and twisted into the worst possible interpretation and then harped on endlessly. The mainstream mass media is absolutely desperate for Hillary to be president. Desperate!

If I were a v*ter, I'd v*te for anyone other than Hillary for that reason alone. I hate feeling manipulated. But, if I change my behavior just because the mass media wants me to do one thing, and I do the opposite, I have still been manipulated. Every v*ter has been manipulated in one way or the other. It's unavoidable.

The best option is still to refuse to v*te. Why keep playing a rigged game against liars? You really don't have to, you know.

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A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Free market helps economy grow

(My Clovis News Journal column for July 22, 2016)

Liberty gives prosperity a chance (my choice for the headline)

How's the economy treating you?

Unless you have a job where people are forced to pay for your services whether they want them or not, things could probably be better.

You may have many ideas which could bring in money by offering products and services to people. You just need the chance.

The main limiting factor is often the roadblocks to economic growth erected by government. Things like permits, licenses, taxes, and all the other laws and regulations which seem to exist for no reason but to destroy the economy, one entrepreneur at a time.

The most effective lie used to justify those economy destroyers is that without them you'd harm your customers. But, in a free market, how long would your business-- or you-- last if you were known to be harming your customers?

Consider what most people imagine as a worst case outcome of a free market.

Yes, in a truly free society you'd be able to set up shop selling heroin. Without a license, to anyone, with no government to watch over your shoulder. Does that scare you? It shouldn't. That's how it has always been, except for the past century or so. The drug abuse problem has never been worse than under prohibition, plus prohibition breeds violent crime.

A free market heroin seller would be personally responsible if he sold a contaminated product, sold to someone who didn't understand the dangers, or cheated customers. There would be no corporation to hide behind. It would be in his best interest to sell responsibly, and to make sure his customers understood the dangers. Yes, some people would still abuse his product, and some would die. Prohibition never prevents this, either. But there would be no crime associated with his business.

If a customer wrecked his life with addiction, he couldn't end up on welfare (including a prison stay) financed by robbing his neighbors through taxation. If he needed financial help, he (along with any family who stayed around) could appeal to the charitable nature of others. If he is known as a bad or untrustworthy person, he'd have a hard time finding someone willing to help. Just as it should be.

You probably have better ideas of what you'd do in the absence of the State. The same rules of the market would apply to your venture, as well.

Liberty doesn't result from prosperity; liberty gives birth to prosperity. It's time to bring liberty-- and prosperity-- back to America.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online.

Doomsaying is fun!

I'm not sure why it crossed my mind today, but I found myself feeling nostalgic for "The Y2K bug".

I never believed Y2K would cause any real problem, but I enjoyed pretending it might, and imagining what I should do just in case.

The funny thing is, I didn't actually do anything different than things I always did anyway. But it was fun. All my life I have done various things to make sure I am ready for TEOTWAWKI/TSHTF scenarios. That was just another- and an experience I could share with other people for a change.

I enjoyed comparing notes with others to see what they were ready for- or felt they weren't yet ready for. And allaying the fears of those who actually believed something would come of it. Those were the days before I joined the online world, so all my discussions about it were were face-to-face.

Then, when midnight rolled around for New Year's 2000, I was sitting beside a campfire, dressed in buckskin clothes, with a rifle beside me and a pistol on my belt- in other words, pretty much how I spent all my time back then, anyway. I wasn't even watching a clock- although I knew from the distant sound of shots or fireworks when the time had come.

I hate to say it, but I would like another Y2K-type "crisis" to come along. Nothing since then- not the religious "End Times" predictions, or asteroid scares- has quite measured up.

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Division of labor

Division of labor is a good thing. I want to know how to do everything, but that's just not realistic. There are things that are complicated enough that it is really good there are experts available for me to hire.

Youtube has helped me do things I would have never attempted before. It's one thing to read about doing something, but quite another to watch someone demonstrating how to do it. I've encountered that reality in many areas of life.

By learning to do things for myself, I have saved a lot of money, and I have helped other people save money, too. And that's a great feeling. I do feel a little bad that by doing things myself I am keeping money out of the hands of someone who has become an expert and depends on being hired to do a job. But often, I don't have the money to hire them anyway, so it's either do it myself or do without.

The plus side for the professionals is that sometimes my attempt at handling it myself ends up screwing things up worse to the point I have to spend even more money to have them undo what I've done. 

And there are some things I just don't want to do, or don't believe I can do right that I will hire professionals to do. Sometimes it's almost as much so they can bring the right tools to the job as anything else.

I can't afford to buy every tool I need for some jobs. I realize you can borrow tools at many "public" libraries, or rent them (although the local rental place went out of business), but a lot of times I don't know I'll need a tool until I'm halfway into the job, and by then it's too late to try to track down what I need.

So, yes, I am a big fan of the division of labor.

Even if I believe division of labor is a good thing, there are some jobs I won't hire anyone to do, including "jobs" I don't think should be done at all.

"Jobs" like law enforcing, lawmaking, and otherwise governing. "Jobs" like enforcing a "national border", being in the military, or keeping people in prison and killing some of them in a premeditated manner, To force me to hire people to do a job I either prefer to do myself or don't want done at all is wrong. It is a violation of my life, liberty, and property. It is something I would never think of doing to any other person, and I am disgusted by those who advocate doing it to me.

A big "thank you!" to those of you who support this blog, with your visits, shares, or money. If you get any value from my writing, consider a subscription or a one-time donation to keep this blog going. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during the ten years this blog has existed, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the added difficulty of having a boss to offend.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

What crimes would Jesus commit?

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A lot of them.

Have you ever considered the crimes of Jesus? Just off the top of my head I can think of several: Practicing medicine without a license. Moonshining (turning water into wine, rather than corn into whiskey). Interfering with officers of the law. Vagrancy. I don't think he ever applied for a permit for the large public gatherings- or parades- which formed around him.

If I thought about it a bit longer, I'm sure I could think of many more of his "crimes".

With a list like that, how long do you think he would make it in Police State USA? Not 3 years, I'll bet. It's no wonder he didn't show up today, but 2000 years ago when the State was just beginning to be the problem. It would be a very different story today- all centered on his prison cell, I would imagine.

Not only that, but he didn't support "borders". He never supported v*ting to choose a master. He never advocated a new "law", or enforcing existing "laws" against individuals, or carrying out a death penalty. He never suggested that just because something was immoral, it should also be illegal. He didn't ask his disciples if they had a permit before telling them to get and carry a sword.

He was completely opposite his modern fan club in almost every respect.

I'm not making the claim that he was an anarchist or libertarian, like I have seen so many others make. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. Certainly he was much more anarchist and libertarian than his supporters today are.

It should be very embarrassing to Christians that I, an atheist, am much more Christ-like than most of them (there are exceptions, of course). Every Christian in my real-world life is a big supporter of the US police state, "laws" against almost everything, and never-ending wars around the globe. I know some who are right now desperately trying to find a way to use the violence of the State to drive away some people who are not harming them in the slightest, but whom they suspect "might" be undocumented "immigrants" from Mexico. How Christlike is that? Not even a smidgen. They should be embarrassed to the point of tears- but I'm the one who keeps trying to point out their error... and being ignored.

Supporting counterfeit "laws" is wrong. It is not even slightly "Christian".

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Worst, except for all the other ways?

(Previously posted to Patreon)

"Slavery is the worst way to get the cotton picked, except for all the others." ~ Average Nice Guy 1850s

Just because you can't imagine something better is no excuse to keep doing the wrong thing. If your method violates life, liberty, or property, it is wrong. You shouldn't do it even if you think it's the best possible way. The "lesser of two evils". Not getting the cotton picked would have been economically disastrous. Having slaves pick it was still evil.

 Picking cotton by hand was hard labor. My grandmother did it when she was young, and I remember her descriptions of how it hurt to be stooped over, dragging a heavy bag slowly through the field for hours and hours. And the raw, bleeding fingers which resulted. Yet, she and her sisters did it. More or less voluntarily. It would have been evil of them to force others to do the work for them even if it would have meant their own starvation and my non-existence (imagine how happy that thought would make some people!).

 After slavery was (sort of) abolished, cotton still got picked. Better ways were invented, even if people in some places, such as my grandmother's family on the Llano Estacado of the Texas panhandle, couldn't afford technology, and lived as people had lived over a hundred years before.

 Sometimes you have to first stop committing evil before there's incentive for average "nice people" to go ahead and consider better options.

 "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."~ Winston S. Churchill

 And so it is with poor old Winnie's delusion.

 There are better ways to govern. None of them involve mob rule or forming a State. One particularly better way involves the Covenant of Unanimous Consent. It doesn't matter if you like democracy, or can't imagine forcing people to do what you want without it. Maybe your mindset is backward. Democracy is wrong, in part because governing others is wrong, no matter how you go about it. And, in spite of Churchill's assertion, there is at least one much better way. Try it.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Instead of doing wrong, just don't

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You don't need an alternative to doing the wrong thing. Just don't do the wrong thing.

Just because you aren't sure what to do instead of doing the wrong thing is no excuse to keep doing the wrong thing.

It doesn't matter if you don't know what to do instead of "taxing" people. "Taxation" is theft. It is wrong. Don't do it any more for any reason.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand who will stop bad guys from preying on the innocent if you don't have police. Having police- financed by theft, enforcing "laws" which are mostly evil, and who are almost entirely unaccountable- is wrong. Period. You have to stop, no matter what you fear might happen without them.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how children will get educated without "public" schools. It is wrong to finance schools with theft. It is wrong to hold homes and property hostage to pay for schools and teachers. It is wrong to keep kids prisoners with "compulsory attendance laws", and to subject them to sexual molestation in the name of "random drug tests". It is wrong. It is wrong to put a criminal organization in the position where it can brainwash kids into believing it isn't a criminal organization, but is synonymous with society. Just don't do it, because it is wrong.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand where roads, justice, protection, safety, libraries, parks, etc. will come from if you don't allow a State- a "government"- to provide them by robbing and attacking your neighbors. Providing them through a State- in other words through theft and aggression- is wrong.

To stop doing wrong is more important than having an alternative fully worked out before you stop doing wrong. Stop doing wrong first, and allow people the freedom to solve the problems voluntarily.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

What is "being a cop" all about?

(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)

Ask a cop, or someone who supports cops, what being a cop is all about, and you may get something along the lines of "cops protect and serve the people, being the thin blue line of protection between the citizen and the guys who want to harm them".

That sounds good. I've heard them parrot some version of this all my life. It's happy "Officer Friendly" propaganda.

But, what do cops actually do?

They enforce "laws", most of which do nothing but violate the life, liberty, and property to prop up the opinions of politicians and lawyers.

Cops are the guys who most often end up harming "citizens" exactly like those they pretend to protect you from. Trading one bad guy for another isn't a net benefit. And when you are forced to finance the bad guy's career to your own detriment, that's even worse.

Cops have been given special privileges due to their connections. They believe their "job" entitles them to extra "rights"- rights which don't exist and therefore can't be granted by anyone to anyone.

I don't "need" cops and neither do you. If you believe you do, you might want to hide somewhere soft and warm so that reality doesn't scare you further.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Citizen defines "citizen" as someone who "owes allegiance to its [sic] government and is entitled to its protection". 

It sounds more like a description of slavery. Let's check that out: 
"Slave"- someone who "owes allegiance to its master and is entitled to his protection". 
That sure sounds like what they are describing. 

The reality is "citizen" is just a fancy word for "slave".

"Owe allegiance"? You owe government-- and obviously when they use the word "government" they mean State-- nothing but contempt, regardless of which government you refer to.

The only thing you can be "entitled" to from any government is to be left alone. To not be violated in life, liberty, or property. It's the same thing everyone owes you. 

Government can't protect anyone, "citizen"/slave or not.


"Everyone else does it..."

(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)

Is it OK to do wrong, just because other people do?

Maybe for you, but not for me. I live by the Zero Aggression Principle (ZAP) whether you do or not. It doesn't matter, and your choice doesn't affect mine. The ZAP is a promise from me to you about how I will interact with you; to tell you what to expect. It doesn't obligate you.

If you choose to initiate force or violate my property, you might also take my adherence to the ZAP as a warning.

But, just because most other people choose to initiate force and violate private property-- either in person or by sending bullies to do it on their behalf-- I had better just suck it up and become the same as they are. Right?

Liberty has an uphill battle for certain. Until people actually understand the issues, they'll keep straying off-course in the same sad ways. "Statism is bad... unless it is doing something I want it to do, then you have to go along. Pay your taxes, have your property rights violated in the name of National Borders and such. You might allow people on your property who I don't like. It's for your own good, and anarchy is Utopian, and no one really lives that way. Etc. etc. etc."

It's almost enough to make a guy say "Screw it, Just go with the crowd. Eat babies, or whatever, because everyone else says it is necessary, and no one else will ever agree with you that it's wrong."

Almost... but not quite.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Today’s counterfeit laws not ethical

(My Clovis News Journal column for July 15, 2016 I was really, seriously unhappy with the headline assigned to this one, and got in trouble with the editor for saying so on Facebook. But I am still unhappy with it.)

"You are the government" is one of the most useful lies ever crafted by the bullies who mean to enslave you.

If you are to blame, you can't blame anyone else. If a "law" makes gun ownership or drug use or driving without a seat belt "illegal", you can't really blame the people who wrote the "law", nor their hired guns who violently enforce it. It's your own fault.

But, truth gets in the way.

If I were government, I could fire all legislators, police, and bureaucrats, because they'd work for me. I could abolish all the harmful laws they have created. I can't, because I am not the government.

If I were the government, no one would be violating you in the name of the law. Former enforcers would be paying restitution to everyone they've harmed through committing acts of enforcement.

If you vote, how often do you find yourself on the winning side? Even when your guy wins, do the politicians in power do what you want them to do? Not the "majority", but you, individually? Probably not very often.

It would be bad enough if their new laws were real laws, but none of them are. Haven't been for centuries. All recent laws are counterfeit "laws".

A counterfeit "law" looks like a real law. It is described in more or less precise language, by lawyers. It is recorded in a government office. Judges act as though it is binding. Officers will kill to enforce even the most minor and arbitrary of these "laws"- if you fail to instantly obey their every demand to the letter, or if you accidentally scare or confuse them while complying.

A counterfeit "law" has no ethical basis. It attempts to forbid or control something other than the use of violence against the non-violent, or the violation of individual property rights. Often, counterfeit "law" acts as though a collective-- society or the state-- can have rights which can be violated.

I don't want any counterfeit "laws" enforced on my behalf. Not one.

So pretending that I am in any way the government, doing what I know to be wrong by violating your individual rights, is a lie. Even if I were on the winning side in an election, it isn't going to change what government is or what it is doing.

You can't magically change wrong into right (or vice versa) by voting on it, nor by making up a law. And if I were the government, I wouldn't even try.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online. .

Statists- making their own lives difficult since forever

(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)

Why is it that so many people seem set on making so much extra trouble for themselves?

I'm not even necessarily speaking of those who seek out interpersonal "drama" when they don't have enough of it naturally. Although, they are of the same sort.

I'm talking about statists.

The world isn't perfect. There will be trouble whether you have a State and all its associated bullies and institutions or not. It's just the way it is. Some people are just bullies. If there's a State to join so they can bully in safety, the smart ones may choose that route. If there isn't, all the bullies will be freelance or form gangs that they don't call "government", but the actions remain the same. And, for the most part, the outcome does, too.

State or no State, you are going to have trouble. But with a State you get to pay extra for the thrill of being molested. You get to pay to build imposing buildings, huge office towers, fancy cars, guns (which they'll forbid you to own), weapons to be used to make enemies of people all across the globe (before being used against liberty on the streets of America by the Blue Line Gang welfare whores), and all manner of other things which will be used against your life, liberty, and property. By permitting a government to exist, you get bullied and robbed at least twice as much as you would otherwise.

So, why go to all the trouble of adding the layers of extra problems you get by supporting a State?

Anarchy is the natural state of human interactions. It's not perfect- nothing is. But why go to all the effort and expense to build an institution which will- at best- give the same results with a lot more trouble, rather than getting rid of all the extra nonsense and dealing with what trouble exists anyway by accepting reality?

I still think cowardice explains a lot.

What about you?

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Be the better person- reality is on your side

(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)

Liberty lovers can be some of the very best people I've ever known. They stand with others, help others when they can. They reach a hand to people they don't know- statists even. They can be loving and inclusive. They can be generous to a fault, understanding, and compassionate.

I am proud to count myself among them, even as I can't hope to be half as inspiring as some are.

But... and if you've been around long you knew this was coming... liberty lovers, or, at least those who proclaim themselves to be lovers of liberty, can also be as bad as the statists they oppose.

I'm sure there are times I would be included here.

They can be unforgiving, inflexible, hypocritical, hateful, and aggressive. They can be arrogant and dismissive.

And that is a shame.

Why would anyone want to learn more about liberty with examples like that? If you're going to be miserable anyway, you can do that just fine without rejecting statism; by taking the easier route.

I am happy to report that the negative examples in the liberty crowd are greatly outnumbered by the shining examples of goodness. But the nasty guys seem to have an impact greater than those I would rather people see. They tend to be loud and get lots of attention- especially by statists who want to show how unreasonable liberty lovers are. The bad examples play right into the hands of the cowardly slavers.

It should be so easy to be a good person when you understand and love liberty. After all, you are on the right side- standing against everything negative and harmful. So, why does it seem so easy to fall into The Dark Side?

Well, I have some idea about that, based on my personal experience. I am only human and as a liberty lover, I end up dealing with a lot of statists.

Statists are infuriating. They are cowardly and want to violate everyone else to coddle their fears. They don't listen to logic and reason, but are ruled purely by emotion and propaganda. They don't want to be told that 2+2=4. and they won't pay attention when you try to show them how easy it is to demonstrate. They don't like it, so to them it simply isn't true. Or it doesn't matter one way or the other. It is easy to get angry and frustrated over their juvenile behavior.

But, you and I are the better people. I can't speak for you, but I want to be the reasonable one. The one not baited into a fight with a feces-flinging monkey. Because, even if I win the fight, I'm going to be left feeling very unhappy.

Life is too short for that.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

"Be afraid! Run away!"

(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)

I guess I suffer from a terrible lack of fear.

Or, so some would have me believe.

Sure, there are some things I don't want to happen. One of the worst already has. There's something freeing in that, even though I'd give anything to have avoided it. I now know that the thing I always considered to be the absolute worst thing ever couldn't destroy me.

I take what measures I can to avoid bad things- but I know nothing can prevent them all. It's just the nature of reality. And I don't sit around consumed with fear.

I wish I had more money, but even without it I'll find a way to go on... or I won't. But if I don't, it won't be the lack of money that kills me. I may become socially unacceptable and living in a cave or a wikiup, but I don't worry about survival.

I try to be prepared for difficulties. I'm a bit of a "prepper". It's not out of fear, but just because it's fun, and has bailed me out of bad situations so many times that I know I'd be stupid to not be prepared. I've found that being prepared also de-fangs fear. And, like I said, it's FUN!

I don't like government or any of the bullies doing the will of those who call themselves government. But I don't fear them any more than I fear other bad guys. Or rabid wolves. They are dangers to be acknowledged, observed, avoided, and dealt with. But not feared.

I certainly don't fear the absence of The State (what most people mean when they use the word "government") or its gangs of armed bullies committing acts of enforcement to impose the opinions of "lawmakers" on me. Fearing the absence of such is as silly as fearing good health.

There's nothing special about me. I'm no once-in-a-century genius. I'm not brave, or particularly skilled. Maybe some would say my ignorance is causing me to not be afraid- that if I were smarter I would see why I should be scared all the time. I don't care to live in fear. That's not freedom or liberty.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

In need of donations or subscriptions

I had this little PS on the last post...

I recently helped someone out, and now find myself in dire need of money. Again.I'm not complaining; I knew the bind this would put me in when I did it. If anyone is in the position to help, and wants to (yes, please meet both conditions, and never feel bad if you don't), please donate and/or subscribe today. This time, Paypal would be best for me. Thanks so much!

As it turns out, my situation is worse than I thought. Besides the money I thought I was going to need, I need $62.37 in the next day. (Note: This most dire need has been met. I'm leaving the post up for now, because I could really use more help.)

So, again, if you can help, and if you want to help, please donate or subscribe through Paypal.

Thank you.


Hillary- worst among the horrible

(Previously posted to Patreon)

This is a bit of a break from my usual. Because this time I will talk politics.

I don't v*te, and I don't endorse candidates, so it really doesn't matter, but...
I dislike Hillary Clinton much more than I dislike any of the other candidates.

Part of that is because I have disliked her far longer than I have ever known of any of the other candidates.

You see, although I am not from Arkansas, I lived in Arkansas as Bill Clinton was climbing the political ladder. I have known people who were close to the Clintons during that time, and even a few who called the Clintons "friends", but even they said to NEVER trust either one of them.

I talked to Arkansas State Police officers who were on the governor's security detail. They universally hated and distrusted him. They told me tales about setting up "visits" of women who went to "meet" Clinton. I asked how they could stand being responsible for keeping him safe and alive. I told them to accidentally duck if anyone ever tried to "off" him. They just smiled.

I even met and visited with the amusing little man who interrupted Clinton's run as governor, causing Bill to run and hide when he found out he had lost the election. Unfortunately, he came back next time the office was up for grabs.

My dad worked for a big utility company during that time (Arkansas Power & Light), and had many brushes with Bill Clinton's minions forcing the company executives to favor those he wanted to get support from- to the point that when Bill Clinton said "don't shut off this person's electricity", the company executives would let certain favored folk have free electricity. Forever.

And, all during that time I remember miserable Hillary.

I remember what a nasty harpy Hillary was when she tore into people who called her "Hillary Clinton", insisting that she was "Hillary Rodham"- no "Clinton" at all.

She always came across as a hateful, lying, ill-tempered shrew. And my opinion of her has only gotten worse through the years.

I left Arkansas near the beginning of the 1992 presidential election, and was absolutely shocked to discover that people were actually serious about supporting Bill. Arkansas people joked that they wanted him elected president so he'd leave the state for good, but I never dreamed anyone outside of Arkansas took him seriously. I was also shocked that no one knew of the scandals that were common knowledge in Arkansas.

So, even though I dislike all the candidates to one extent or another, I have a special loathing for Hillary Clinton- just because I have been aware of her vile existence for many years longer than I have known of any of the others, and my impression of her has been universally negative. She is utterly disgusting in a way no other current candidate can even approach.

Now, I'll go wash my hands, since I feel dirty.


I recently helped someone out, and now find myself in dire need of money. Again.
I'm not complaining; I knew the bind this would put me in when I did it. If anyone is in the position to help, and wants to (yes, please meet both conditions, and never feel bad if you don't), please donate and/or subscribe today. This time, Paypal would be best for me. Thanks so much!

Also, I'm not posting this blog post on Steemit for obvious reasons, but if you can, go there and upvote any of my stuff that you like. Thanks, again.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

"We have to have some kind of government..."

Yes, someone just said those words to me.

I wish I had been able to take the time to dig deeper into why he thought this was so, but my daughter was waiting in the car.

Is it because "we" have always had some kind of government, and he can't imagine life without it?

Is it because he believes that without government, society would collapse?

Is it because he believes there are things he (or others) requires which can only be provided by government?

Is it because of the "sunk cost fallacy"? Does he feel we have put too much time and effort into building governments to just give up on them now?

Is it because he feels he has paid into things like "social security" and "medicaid" and doesn't want to end them just before he begins to get something back?

I can think of a lot of things along those lines which might cause a person to believe they "need" government, but I don't know which (if any) applies in his case.

Is there some other reason a person would hold such an illogical belief?

I wish I had been able to talk to him to see exactly why he believes this.

You need to govern yourself. You need to defend yourself and your property from those who refuse to govern themselves. I hope you'll also defend others from violators when you have the opportunity. There are some projects too big or expensive for most people to do them alone, so cooperation is necessary. But none of that requires establishing an institution based upon theft and aggression.

(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Statism is unacceptable

There are many behaviors which are simply unacceptable.

Rape, murder, theft, kidnapping... the list includes all violations of life, liberty, and property. There is simply no justification for them that holds water.

Yet, there is a belief system which excuses all of these within certain parameters: statism.

In fact, without those behaviors, statism would cease to exist as anything real. It wouldn't be able to hurt anyone, except the person who holds the belief in statism in his own mind.

Statism is anti-social and uncivilized. If there were such a thing as a "social contract", statism would be the breaking of that contract.

Statism is just unacceptable.


(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)
If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Refusing to vote is vote for liberty

(My Clovis News Journal column for July 8, 2016)

In last week’s column valid alternatives were offered to those hesitant to waste a vote by endorsing an evil-- lesser or not. For some reason almost everyone focused on the point that it isn't smart to keep playing a game you know is rigged.

Overwhelmingly, the people demand their right to keep losing to known cheaters.

They apparently see voting as essential to liberty rather than recognizing it as a tool to empower the opposite.

Fair enough.

I won't demand you not vote; I'm saying if you vote, please don't stop there. Learn, think, and reason-- no matter where it leads. I hope you do this because I believe the more you know, the more you'll practice rightful liberty and the more you'll ignore politicians and their arbitrary opinions called "laws".

You don't need a professional bully class to control you and your neighbors, and I hope for the day you realize it. The truth will set you free.

Many people view the refusal to vote as "doing nothing", when nothing could be further from the truth. Back when most doctors believed bloodletting was an effective treatment, those who declined the disastrous procedure weren't doing nothing, they were refusing to make matters worse. It's an important distinction. Don't make matters worse by doing the wrong thing.

The refusal to sanction a politician, or an office for a politician to hold, is voting for liberty and independence in the most effective way. It is the individual withdrawal of consent.

If you are happy with how things are, vote and go home. Be content in the knowledge that you have helped ensure no real change can threaten your familiar world. If something unexpected crops up you can believe it wasn't your fault. You did your part to prop up the status quo.

If, however, you want things to change and bring a chance for a better life, there are plenty of options. Before, after, or instead of voting, get out there and tell people what you stand for, and what changes you want to bring to the world. Explain why the status quo is not good enough. Then show everyone you mean it by acting on it. Live as though the world were already as you advocate-- but be smart. There are those who will use laws to punish you for daring to threaten the status quo and the cozy police state they've built around you. And they vote.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online.

Taking government seriously. Seriously?

(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)

Really, people. How can you take government seriously?

You have the clowns campaigning for president. An unhealthy old harpy, and an orange blowhard. Both statist to the rotten core.

Then, just look at your state and local politivermin. They are no better, and if you believe they are, it's a sign you are delusional.

Some around here are having an adolescent cat fight. I've seen two year-olds act more mature. Yet, somehow, people look to these morons for guidance, and believe their opinions have weight.

I absolutely don't get it.

Yes, I realize they are making up "laws" that their hired guns are perfectly willing to murder you over, and they steal your money and violate your property rights in myriad other ways, too. This means they are a mortal threat to your life, liberty, and property. So are other bad guys- they aren't special.

They fear you being armed, and so they do all they can to make sure you give up your weapons. The only reason anyone wants you unarmed is so they can do things to you (or your loved ones) which you wouldn't ever allow if you were able to resist. And you CAN resist if you have effective weaponry. Even if it only costs one bully his life before you are killed by his gang, it still cost that one. One less bully in the world, and probably at least one person will decide to pursue honest work rather than join the gang.

But you can also resist in other ways. As long as a government employee isn't looking directly at what you are doing right this minute, why comply? Nibble away at their power, and laugh away the respect your silly family, friends, and neighbors give them. They don't deserve it. They haven't earned it. Quite the opposite. They are ridiculous.

Treat them like the absurd fools they are. It's what they richly deserve, and have worked to earn.

And never forget: Government is nothing more or less than a club for drama queens who like to try to run other people's lives while spending stolen money.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Monday, August 08, 2016


(If you use Steemit, please go there and upvote this post.)

Blind patriotism is bizarre to me. And, I think all patriotism is blind.

"My country, right or wrong" is a great example of this. It means the person uttering this phrase values a "country" more than rightness. It means they are willing to overlook wrong- evil- just because of who is committing it. It is totally devoid of reason or ethics.

It's like supporting a person to the point of covering for that person, even if he is a mass-murdering psychopath. It's like supporting cops.

A country, which is to say a State (which is what most people mean when they say "government") can never really be right, since countries are built on a foundation of theft and other property violations, and are maintained through aggression.

But maybe they actually mean "America"; the people who live here on this landmass. Can "America" be anything? Individuals can, and enough individuals acting in concert can affect the flavor of America, but it's still just individuals. I have trouble seeing "America" as a unified thing, and even more trouble seeing a "country" as anything real and concrete. So, forget the country.

For the purpose of argument, I'll say I can support America when America does right.

But I don't excuse evil, no matter who is doing it.

I can discern between "America" and the US government, and in fact I see them as mortal enemies. Most people don't seem to make that distinction, just like they conflate "government" and "society". There are no good States. Not one. But don't hate the people suffering under those States. They are victims.

I don't support countries any more than I support any evil act- and governing others is one of the most evil acts you can commit.

If you support any country "no matter what", you do a disservice to the cause of rightness, and to your neighbors. Rational supporters insist on a standard of behavior. Rational supporters require no evil be committed.

Also, just as an aside- You can't have "patriotism" without "riot". Interesting, that.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. You can also do that with zero cost to yourself by upvoting my posts on Steemit. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Here's an idea...

I'm going to be trying out Steemit-- cross-posting all my blogs there. At least to see how it works for me. It appears some people are making decent money over there, and I'd like to see if it can work for me.

This is a way you can apparently help me make money without spending a cent. Just upvote and share the blog links.

For a while I will include a link to the Steemit blog post with every blog post, and I would really appreciate if you'd go there and upvote everything I write.

Thank you, very much!


Where did humans go wrong?

Somewhere along the way-- beginning long, long ago and continuing into the present day-- most humans got the bizarre notion that things which could never possibly be any of their business, were their business.

And not only that, but so critically "their business" that they should murder people over these things.

Things like...
Which invisible beings they believed in, and how they showed their belief.
Which things they ingested.
Who they loved and/or had sex with.
How they comprised their family units.
Which tools they owned, and how they carried them.
What they lived in, and what they surrounded their living quarters with.
What they traded, and how.
Where they were born, and what languages they spoke.
Which banners they flew.
Which symbols they revered.
Which songs they sang.
And all manner of other things.

I'm not even saying these things don't matter, but that they should be individual matters. Not subject to control by anyone else, and certainly not justification for murder!

All they should have been worried about the whole time was whether the other people initiated force or violated property or broke their agreements. But that was too sensible, and didn't allow for the rise of a bully class (who tried to make the non-issues become Big Issues).

It's really long past time for the human race to grow up and get over the childish desire to meddle and control. And we can- one individual at a time.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Claire Wolfe's new site!

I am guilty of assuming everyone was already aware... but then I realized I was wrong!

Claire Wolfe has a new website and has moved her "Living Freedom" blog.

Her site is still being worked on, but the blog is up and running full speed. Go check it out, and add it to your daily "must reads". You won't regret it.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Statists mis-define words

"Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do." ~ domestic enemy and terrorist, NYC's Rudolph Giuliani, March 1994

If you let the bad guys define your terms, you have lost.

They will always define words to put themselves on top. To make you do what they want.

They want you to believe anarchy is chaos and destruction, rather than self-ownership, personal responsibility, and voluntary interaction.

They want you to believe "liberty" means a government-granted privilege, rather than unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.

They'll always define cops as the good guys, standing between you and horrible death- when cops are actually the worst gang out there, more likely to deliver your horrible death than any other evil gang.

They believe in silly things like "authority" and States and "laws". They worship flags and documents and people who do evil deeds for them.

And way too many people still listen to them and act as though they are the reasonable ones. They aren't. They are insane, ignorant, or evil. Or any combination of the three.

But, I know from personal experience some can be reached, in spite of the protests of those who don't believe they can. It has happened. Most of us were once statists, to one degree or another. If we got over it, so can others.

If you get any value from my writing, consider rewarding me with your financial support commensurate with the value you receive. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me keep writing without the fear of saying something to get fired over. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always helping out.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

"Fighting" for liberty?

(Previously posted to Patreon)

Fighting for liberty may not be smart. Maybe, if you have to fight for it you're doing it wrong.

I just lost one of my online friends in this fight for liberty to suicide. There were several times he hinted at it, and anytime I saw it, I tried to make sure he knew he was valued and appreciated. Well, apparently I missed one time too many. I suspect it was something he was just going to do eventually, no matter what.

I never met him in person, but over the past few years we had discussed various liberty-related subjects online, often concerning the evil of "law enforcement" goons, and we had each other's backs when a kinda-sorta "famous" "pro-liberty" phony attacked us for calling him out. And he sent his condolences when my daughter died.

I do think he had the sort of personality that made things more difficult. To me he seemed rather volatile, and more than a little angry. And deeply frustrated.

I don't want to end up like him.

Liberty should be fun- in the way any worthwhile struggle can be fun. No, it's not going to be easy, because there are too many bullies out there trying to make sure it isn't easy. It's a fine line between knowing they can destroy your life and kill you, and giving them too much attention and power. They are serious, but shouldn't be taken too seriously, if you know what I mean.

You can fight with a smile on your face. You are on the right side. You have all the reason, logic, ethics, and morality on your side. The anti-liberty bigots have lost, but refuse to accept it and lie down. That just means they lose again and again, and are making themselves more tired. They just keep making fools of themselves, but aren't bright enough to know it.

So, if you fight, fight smart. Try to find the humor in it.

And, if the fight starts taking a toll, take a break. Find things to laugh about and enjoy. Stop and eat the flowers.

So, if you see me treating any violation of Rightful Liberty too lightly for your tastes, remember that sometimes you've got to smile, or point and laugh, at the bullies. If you let them rob you of all your joy, they have won.

Please don't hand them a victory they didn't earn.

And, if I can ever help you get through a bad spot in life, let me know.


Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Helping others makes me happy

I love helping people. I really do. It's one of the happiest things I can do. I love the feeling of being useful and seeing how happy I can make people when I solve a problem they are facing. It doesn't have to be a life or death crisis, either.

I sometimes spend money I probably shouldn't spend just to be able to help people.

Very recently I was able to loan a back up battery to someone whose phone was dying so she could talk to her son in the midst of a problem. I also have adapters so my back up battery (actually, the USB cord) will fit other people's phones if theirs aren't the normal mini USB.

A couple of weeks ago I was able to help someone who couldn't get their car door to latch. I lost a tiny bit of blood with that one, but I felt wonderful that I was able to solve a problem. (And almost amazed that I knew how to solve a car-related problem.)

And, this is why I educate people about liberty. Liberty helps. It solves problems. Liberty makes me happy, even though it doesn't create Utopia. Sharing liberty makes me happy, and I want others to be happy, too.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always stepping up.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Only intelligent choice is no vote

(My Clovis News Journal column for July 1, 2016)

Trump or Clinton? It's the question which seems to be on a lot of minds. Not which candidate would would be best as president, but which would be the least bad.

It's a false choice.

First of all, pretending those are your only choices is like saying you can only choose between hamburgers and tacos; nothing else. You are pretending the menu doesn't exist.

Yes, there are other choices. Insisting you choose between those two, because "Democrat or Republican is the only realistic option", is a self defeating belief. It will remain true as long as you believe it's true, not a moment longer.

For those who are upset with the Republican wing of the Boot-On-Your-Neck Party for nominating non-Republican Donald Trump, you could always vote for the actual Republicans who are running. This year, the Libertarian Party did something the Republicans failed to do: they nominated Republicans for the presidency and vice-presidency: Gary Johnson and William Weld, respectively. A disaster for the Libertarians, but a gift to the Republicans who are paying attention.

Or, you could finally realize voting for the lesser evil, whoever you believe that to be, is still voting for evil and stop playing a rigged game. At some point, rational people realize the only winning move is to not play at all.

I can hear you say "But someone is going to win whether I vote or not". So? Someone will become president of the Meshoppen, Pennsylvania quilting circle, too- if such a thing exists. It only matters if you believe it matters, and only if you believe their club has any authority over your life. Only if you feel obligated to act as if you are subject to government and its counterfeit laws can you really be affected by who is its president.

In fact, the person holding the office of president is about as inconsequential as it's possible for a person to be. The existence of the office is the problem, not the individual politician occupying it. The president is a figurehead. The real harm is done by advisers, congress, and the courts, and by those among us who go along with whatever they say we must, or must not, do.

So, no, I am not going to make a recommendation of who you "should" vote for. It would be as ridiculous as suggesting you ought to eat plutonium rather than cyanide, when the only intelligent choice is to eat neither.


Added- Here is the perfectly predictable response I got on the CNJ page:
"If you don't vote then you have no room to bitch, whine, and complain when things aren't going your way. The system we have is far from perfect but it is what we inherited."

And my reply:
Actually, if you do v*te, you are consenting to the outcome. You are saying the result is legitimate, no matter what it may be, and you agree to abide by it. That's just not acceptable or rational.

If you go into a game of poker, knowing the rules, and also knowing your opponent hasn't actually played without cheating for decades (if ever), yet you play anyway, what does that say about your common sense?

No one can ever lose their right to complain, but if that were possible, it certainly wouldn't be the people who are aware of the scam and refuse to participate who "lose the right"- it would be those who keep propping up the scam and empowering the bad guys to keep pushing people around and stealing their property by keeping up the appearance of legitimacy by their participation and support.

If you v*te, you are part of the problem. The current situation is squarely on your shoulders. You really have no one else to blame.

"We" didn't inherit anything, but perhaps you did. If you inherit a rabid skunk, do you let it sleep in your child's bed, or do you resolve the problem? This is the same sort of situation, like it or not.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online.

The cure

V*ting is a symptom.

If you v*te you are showing you believe in the "system". Because you do.

When you stop believing in it, you'll stop going out of your way to prop it up. It's an entirely different mindset.

You will no longer really care what opinions the politicians turn into "laws"- you'll see politicians for what they are: bullies with some power.

Most of their power doesn't actually come from their guns, it comes from those who still believe in them. When enough people stop believing in them enough that they stop v*ting (for or against, it doesn't matter), nothing they can do will be enough to keep control.

I no longer believe in them. Not in the way they would want. I know bullies are out there, willing to murder me if I ignore their opinions, but they can't have any sort of legitimacy. Because they just don't. They are nothing but bullies with armed drones. Nothing more than a disease in need of a cure.

You can't cure everyone simultaneously, but you can absolutely cure yourself. Today. And, when you are cured, you won't show the symptoms anymore.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always stepping up.

Monday, August 01, 2016

The Truth

Those who want me to doubt that anarchy (self ownership and individual responsibility) is the best, most moral, and ethical way to live among others are asking me to accept that theft, aggression, superstition, and slavery are perhaps better.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always stepping up.

Don't worry. It won't happen because it hasn't yet.

Just as soon as someone reassures me that because something bad hasn't happened yet, it's not ever going to happen... it happens. This happens to me personally all the time. Yay, right? I don't like being reassured because of this trend.

So, I wonder if that applies in the larger world as well. The US dollar hasn't yet experienced hyperinflation- even though by all measure, it should... so will it simply because "experts" assure me it won't?

And, I wonder if it might apply for things that would arguably be bad, but which I wouldn't mind seeing. Like a nice solar flare knocking out technology for a while. Tell me that it won't happen because it hasn't happened. (I know about the Carrington Event.)

Of course, I tend to believe that this also might mean that good things which haven't yet happened are always a possibility. Maybe not today, or this year, but sometime. Conditions change, even if humans really don't. What was nearly impossible a century ago, might be likely tomorrow. It might even have already started and be unstoppable.

If you get any value from my labors, consider rewarding me with your financial support. This blog is in its 10th year now. If you believe I have contributed anything to the conversation regarding liberty during these ten years, and believe I have more to contribute, help me stay online. I really, desperately could use some more help; please don't depend on the same people always stepping up.