People supporting tariffs clearly demonstrate they don't understand economics. They might have a superficial understanding, based on economically ignorant claims, but no more than that.
The only people who pay tariffs are you, me, and other customers. Not the other country, not the tariffing government, not the exporting company, not the importing company-- the customers. Just like customers are the only ones who pay corporate taxes and other taxes said to be imposed on the rich and powerful on behalf of "the regular people". It can't be any other way in the real world.
But you'll pay more than just the higher prices on imported products. You'll end up paying more for "domestic" products and services.
Tariffs reduce competition. If products from Country A cost more for customers in Country B, because of Country B's tariffs, then businesses in Country B face less competition and can raise prices.
Their own costs will also increase because of the tariffs for the reasons pointed out above, so they'll have to anyway if they want to stay in business.
When the local Salvation Army store closed, Goodwill’s prices doubled. Or more. Not because Goodwill's expenses increased, but because there was no one in town competing with them to keep their prices lower. Plus Goodwill probably got more donations since they were now the only game in town if you wanted to empty out a closet or shed. It would have worked the same if the Salvation Army had been tariffed and Goodwill hadn't.
I've been scolded by people telling me the tariffs will lower the prices I pay. I hope they're right, but I know they aren't. Of course, I'm told this by people who believe, due to their short-sightedness, that their business/industry will immediately benefit, so take it with a cargo container of salt.
Economic ignorance is the most common thing on earth. Politics is a primary cause of feeling confident in bad ideas you don't understand.
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