Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Kill it with fire!

What do you consider THE killshot for the notion of political government? 

The one thing that, once heard, either cures the hearer of their belief in statism, or forces them to purge the killshot from their mind as though they’d never heard it so they can keep believing in government.

I know there are many, but there's got to be one that's far more powerful than the others and fits every situation. I'd like to find it. And use it.

What is your best suggestion?

Thank you for reading.  

1 comment:

  1. That’s not how it happened with me. There was no single insight or revelation that functioned as a tipping point for my loss of belief for ‘political government’ or the essence of it for me, the idea of rulership. I think I can trace the origin of my experience and interest in things political to the bicentennial of the declaration, the rhetoric of which appealed to my sense of principle and rebellion. The path to disbelief and rejection of political rule was however a process of incremental but continuing disillusionment as my actual experience of the disconnect between its claims and stated purposes and what in fact actually occurred and was tangibly delivered by it during my life continued to accumulate. This experience was informed by a lifelong interest in history, the study of which exposed me to the teachings of other dissidents to the creed of government, the inherent sense and truth of which confirmed my own growing doubts. Thus gradually and without any conscious awareness of a particular moment of change I found myself eventually acknowledging that nothing but the total and complete rejection and abandonment of this perpetually failing and unethical absurdity was a superior choice when compared to its continuing futile recycling through politics.
