Friday, August 30, 2024

I’m resting

I’m still alive.

I’m spending my days bingeing Mystery Science Theater 3000– napping through a lot of it. 

Not feeling great physically. Feeling much worse about rescheduling the surgery.

I was so looking forward to being able to see with two eyes again. I’m tired of reaching for things and missing because I have poor depth perception. And missing steps when going down. 

I understand there are people in worse shape, permanently, but I hate having the rug pulled out from under me like this. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and it got switched off by the Fauci Bug.

Thank you for reading.  


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon and back on schedule for surgery.

    1. Thanks. Yes, I've recovered. Now I'm just hoping the surgery place has a cancellation so I can get on with this. I'm so ready to have 2 functional eyes again!
