Saturday, March 09, 2024

From the frying pan into the fire?

About a month ago, my 16-year-old daughter decided to re-enroll herself in govschool. I was disappointed, but I believe in letting her make some of her own decisions/mistakes. Maybe it won't be as much of a mistake as I feel like it will be.

She disliked homeschooling and unschooling. She doesn't like having me help her in any way, even though I (believe I) can be very unintrusive. She won't ask a question if she doesn't understand something, and she doesn't want me to offer unsolicited help. This makes it difficult for me to really help.

Plus, she wanted to be able to go to the prom in a year or so, and she wanted to know the people she'd be going with. She realizes she can't seem to be social without having it forced on her, which is an admirable level of self-awareness. This is why she decided to go back.

I understand her reasons, even if I disagree with them. I told her the responsibility is on her to get up and get to school on time, to do her school work, and do it well. So far, that has gone OK.

I'm still disappointed. This has taken some enthusiasm out of me recently.

At least the school seems to take safety seriously, according to the signage. I'm hoping they deal with the bullying better this time. Or, that there isn't any bullying this time.

We'll see how it goes. Wish us luck.

Here are some of the 


  1. It may not be that she has developed an interest in Marxist philosophy. It could just be that school is where the boys are.
