Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ejikashun iz M-por-tint

Government school is the worst thing to ever happen to education.

It cheapened it, and not in a good way.

It also made it feel like punishment to the inmates referred to as "students". It encourages a lot of them to stay as far as possible away from anything which could be considered educational. And, not just during their "school years", but throughout life. That is tragic! It's why v*ting and "government" is still as popular as it is among those unable to truly think.

It teaches "authority" instead of independence. It dumbs down rather than lifts up.

It teaches kids it's OK to steal as long as you use what you stole for something "important"- and some kids get the message loud and clear.

And, rather than educating, it indoctrinates.

Nothing could be worse as far as education goes. In fact, doing nothing would be an improvement.


1 comment:

  1. Ah, but Kent! You must understand: government ("public" ha ha) schooling is absolutely essential to the case for the state. The state and the state's schools are the main emphasis for roughly 90% (and more likely 98% -- truth be known) of the populace; who are saturated with tripe emanating from mainstream media; after having spent at least 12 years of direct indoctrination (as you've pointed out above) themselves from said government school.

    It's not that I would disagree with you -- or the handful of libertarians who will ever read this. It's just that we live in a world where a huge percentage of folks look to "state" (that mindless abstraction) for virtually everything -- especially "education".

    The enormity of the truth is incredible. Sam
