Saturday, April 05, 2014

Pity the control-freak

I know, and have known, many control freaks. Observing control-freaks at work makes me feel sorry for them. What a frustrating, exhausting way to live!

Just imagine living as though the entire world is your responsibility, and if you don't tell everyone what to do and how to do it, and then watch over their shoulder to make certain your instructions are obeyed, the world will collapse into chaos. And people tend to resist them (or ignore them), making their lives even more frustrating for them.

I have enough to do running my own life, and as long as someone isn't molesting me (in a bad way) I'm content to leave them alone. Even the control-freaks.


1 comment:

  1. Great point, and an important one. Most people think A shouldn't rule over B because of what it does to B, but that's not right. The damage that should matter to A, is what it does to A. Treating things as they are not, is always self-destructive. When A rules over B, he is first making the error that he is fundamentally a different sort of creature than B, as well as implicitly acknowledging that there could be just cause for someone ruling over him. Plainly and obviously, he is not and there is not.
