Friday, February 11, 2011


Some problems can't be solved. Don't like that? Tough. Suck it up and move on.

For every problem that can be solved, there is an actual, real, liberty-respecting solution.

If a "solution" violates anyone's individual rights and liberty, then it is not a solution at all, but just another problem. It's like claiming that scalping is a solution to dandruff.


Speaking of solving problems, you could buy my book "Problem? Solved!" (or any of my other books) and help me avoid the impending financial doom that seems to be once again bearing down on me. Or you could just donate to help out. But you are not obligated to do so, of course.

1 comment:

  1. > Some problems can't be solved. Don't like that? Tough. Suck it up and move on.

    This is an excellent point that we libertarians an ancaps don't make often enough.

    "Is it tragic that some fathers abandon their families, and that fatherless kids start life in a hole because of that? Hell, yes, it is ... but no amount of WIC, HeadStart, Welfare, etc. is going to change that. You can work on tweaking your own little corner of culture a bit - dissuade friends from doing that, etc... but there is no tax and spend program that's going to make it better".

    "Does it suck that some folks are born with short attention spans? Yes, perhaps. These folks will never be doctors. NO AMOUNT of social engineering is going to solve that."

    Bees have stingers. Sometimes it rains. Doubling the budget doesn't make life fair.
