Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Asking permission is begging for punishment

Asking permission is begging for punishment

Need more proof that government has no business being involved in anyone's marriage? An Albuquerque man is facing felony bigamy charges because he did what most humans do at some point- he moved on to the next mate.

His mistake was in allowing government to "officially recognize" his relationship with the previous mate, and then neglecting to ask government to officially recognize the end of that relationship. Then, because he also allowed government to "officially recognize" the next relationship, he is facing criminal charges. He wasn't actually with them both, as "husband", at the same time. And his previous mate, in an act of evil, used the State and its counterfeit "laws" as a weapon against this man because she held a childish grudge. I see no claim he was harming her in any way- she simply knew of a way to hurt him, and she took advantage of it.

Government has no business sanctioning marriage (or anything else). Asking permission from government for your relationship is like pouring sewage in your well. What you've got, if it is good, is good. It needs nothing added. This applies to homosexuals and the polyamorous just as much as to heterosexuals.

Of course, "laws" giving perks to governmentally-recognized relationships are probably one of the main motivations for this foolish act. Actually, it isn't "perks" so much as a reduction in the penalties for existence that government piles on each individual. It is understandable that people try to reduce this burden in "legal" ways by jumping through hoops for the amusement and enrichment of the meddlesome Rulers.

Rather than seeking to be as equally violated as the next person, stop asking permission for your relationships. Force government to remove the penalties for existence. And never ask permission to do that which is your human right to do.

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