Sunday, July 05, 2009

The perversion of Independence Day

The perversion of Independence Day

My thoughts on this "Independence Day 2009" have been turning to the fact that the original intent of Independence Day has been completely turned upside down and inside out. From its origins as an anti-government celebration of freedom to today's perverted "worship the state and military" festival.

It is as if Christmas had been turned into a celebration of Satan, theft, death, and hatred. (I know some would claim the "true meaning" of Christmas has been lost, but the positive things are still given lip-service.)

For local tyrants to assume the authority to forbid individual celebration with fireworks, insisting instead that you go to a government-sponsored fireworks display, is the ultimate spit in the face of liberty. For people to actually obey them is almost unforgivable. The spirit of independence wanders the wilderness, rejected and dying.

The petty tyrants of every city council, county commission, state bureaucracy, and federal agency would be scared out of their tiny little minds if "the people" actually celebrated independence they way they should: with the fully-functional military arms of the real militia, and with the fully-functional minds of real free people.

1 comment:

  1. Kent you've pretty much summed up how this corrupted celebration now appears to me - a non-American - but one who totally embraces the ideals of Liberty and Freedom that are meant to be espoused by this day - one that should remind the tyrannical and statist minded, that ordinary folks can (and have) overthrow the chains of Govt's seeking total control who field the most powerful military forces against their own people.
