Friday, December 19, 2008

"Liberals Who Like Guns"? Hardly

On a conservative gun blog, I dared to point out the folly of picking and choosing when it comes to rights. Not all gun blogs are this way, and the one in question isn't always that way, either. But... sometimes....

Anyway, one commenter decided that since he couldn't refute the statement I made, he would insult me. Fine. He said:

rights for everyone..." Libertarians are just Liberals who like guns. You guys
are exactly useless, just like the anarchists..

OK, first of all I am an anarchist, so your attempt at an insult missed the mark (be sure of your target).

Second of all, if, as you claim, I am only a Liberal who likes guns, tell me why I absolutely despise any form of welfare. Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps, all those things (and more) are repulsive to me. They are financed through theft from working people. Socialism and fascism are not any nicer if you call them by trendy names.

This tired tactic gets used on me a lot. "Conservatives" call me a liberal, and "Liberals" call me a right winger. What you have got to grasp is that this is a "divide and conquer" technique. As long as you can be convinced to support only those basic human rights you happen to like, the state, our true enemy, wins. It is all or nothing folks. That is why I will continue to speak out for ALL rights for EVERYONE for ALL times.


  1. Hi Kent.
    I read the blog about the 2 questions. Great response. Imagine finding a "golden egg" filled with all the secrets of life, the solutions to every problem. Then imagine that many people find many "golden eggs" and they are all different. Believing that they are doing the right thing, they go about imposing their "golden egg" everywhere. Obviously everyone thinks everyone else has the wrong egg. If they were to sit down and THINK for a minute, actually expend some sincere energy and effort in reasoning out what is in the "golden egg", it disappears. And then you have the TRUE "golden egg". How it can be so obvious to those who are so far from it, and be so elusive to those who are right next to it, I'm not sure i'll ever understand.

  2. I think about this a lot: the "what if I am wrong?" question. I think everyone would benefit from asking themselves the same thing.

    All I know for certain is that my "Golden Egg" works for me in the real world. I wouldn't impose it on anyone, nor do I need to. It contains the tools for me to use in everyday life, without depending on the "uncooperative" individuals going along. What more can you ask?

  3. What's the point of talking to these neanderthals when we'll just end up shooting them when the revolution comes?

  4. You know, Kent,

    I used to have some respect for MBV, before I started paying attention to him. But the more he talks, the less I want to listen.

    His comment:

    MBV: I'm an american. I was born one and I will die one. I believe in American exceptionalism. I also believe in the rule of law in a constitutional republican system of limited powers and codified natural rights.

    Now, I object to illegal immigration on two grounds: first, that it is flaunting the rule of law and the only thing that holds the system together is the agreement that laws apply to one and all. Break that compact, and the system flies apart into tribalism.

    This is the same fellow who preaches violent revolution for gun owners, wetting his pants because somebody of whom he doesn't approve is "flaunting the rule of law?" You gotta be kidding. "Break that compact, and the system flies apart into tribalism." Yeah, and that's pretty much what it needs to do, because as long as people who "believe in American exceptionalism" keep getting all the say, the bad guys keep winning.

    As to the comment that got your goat, hell, conservatives are so deep into the "left/right" false dichotomy they can't see anything else. If you're not a conservative, you must be a liberal and fodder for the three-minute hate. Screw'em, they're never going to learn to take a joke.

  5. It just really confounds me that people can see some things so clearly, and yet be so blind to other things that are just as important.

  6. I attempted to post a comment in support of you on that very same thread. I pointed out that protectionism for labor makes all but the state-cronies worse off, and that the Germans really did believe the Jews, gays, and Gypsies were the cause of their troubles, but were wrong. It was censored. I find that blog censors at least 4/5 of the comments I attempt to make.

    One reason you attempt dialog in public with people who are not consciously evil but nevertheless wrong is because many others are listening. And, hey, every so often the principle actually gets your point and changes their mind.

  7. LMAO @ Francois!!!
    Hilarious, but true.

  8. Hey Kent,
    Nice post. I have to agree with the statement that I have seen you write several times about asking yourself if you are wrong. I try to do that often and I think it is an invaluable tool. For example, the responses that all of you give on my site often make me stop and re-evaluate. Often I find that I still feel I am making the right choices for me. Other times, however, I find that I am wrong. There is no greater wisdom that having the ability to recognize when your own thoughts are flawed.
