Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fawning Over Government


Why do they seek approval from the state for their every act? Why do they enthusiastically cheer on the tightening grip of the police-state? Why do people try to be noticed and praised by those in government? Why do they act like desperate puppies needing to be praised by the "master"?

Do they need to be told they are a "good little citizen"? Do they believe they will get the crumbs of the elite, Do they honestly believe that as long as they fawn over those in power they will not be eaten, or do they more realistically hope to be eaten last?


Just trying to wrap my head around this one.


  1. I've seen Stockholm Syndrome and Battered Person Syndrome offered as explanations for this.

  2. You know, that's a possibility, but it really seems like they seek it out rather than just accept it. A curious thing, to my mind.

  3. I think it's part of the infantilism problem. Adults being encouraged to remain child-like until their 20's or 30's. By then it's ingrained to be a child and to seek the approval of authority figures.

  4. Substitute God for the State and you get the same emotional pattern. This is just religion...a combination of agoraphobia and submissiveness? Most people seem to be terrified at facing the universe without the help of a powerful imaginary friend, and they will do or believe nearly anything to maintain a mental defense to this fear.

  5. Power is sexy.

    The natural order of animals is the attraction to power - obviously, being the 'friend' of some being capable of saving your life is a 'good' thing by instinct.

    Humans have this instinct as well. How else can these 'couldn't-buy-a-date' ugly politicians have these trophy wives?

    But humans also have intellect. The battle for humans is that between intellect and the instinct.

    Civilization is completely the product of human intellect.

    Civilization, at is core, is the diametrical opposite of government, at its core.

    Thus the Holy battle - the instinct of power vs the intellect of civilization.

    I wonder which side will win.
