Saturday, June 28, 2008

Using "The Law" Against Its Creators

Most libertarians would recoil at the thought of using "The Law". It is impossible to do without getting the stink of it on your hands. Kinda like trying to pick up a turd from the clean end.

Remember that "The Law" is a weapon. When a weapon is used against you in an attack, there are 3 possible outcomes: You will be defeated (killed or surrender, no real difference); You will escape; Or you will seize the weapon from the attacker and use it against him, leading to another set of those 3 possible outcomes.

"The Law" is the primary weapon the state uses against free people. Its guns only come into play when "The Law" has not gotten the result the state demands. Therefore it is perfectly acceptable, when attacked with "The Law", to seize it and use it against the aggressor. It is less acceptable to use "The Law" against non-state aggressors. There are more ethical ways of defending yourself against them.

As a possible example of using "The Law" against the state: If your state forbids concealed carry, or "requires" a permit, but "allows" open carry, use "The Law" to rub their noses in it. Carry your gun openly wherever you go. Depending on where you live, you will probably be harassed, so only do this if you are willing to be treated like a leper.

There are plenty of other examples I am sure you can think of. Just remember: don't judge those who use "The Law" against the state, nor those who refuse to do so. Both options may be right for different people.



  1. When I first started reading this post, I was hopeful that you had seen that the law can indeed be used against the state, within the confines of the law, by filing suit to force the state to stop illegal actions.

    For example, carrying a gun in a state where it is not allowed will accomplish nothing, except perhaps to get you arrested. Filing suit against the state for a violation of Second Amendment rights, on the other hand, will accomplish far more as it contributes to the freedom of everyone, not just you.

  2. I wasn't calling for people to carry guns in states where it is not "allowed" but in those which DO "allow" open carry while forbidding or restricting concealed carry.

    I won't denigrate those who file suit to force states to obey the laws which apply to them, I just don't think it is usually effective. The deck is stacked with corrupt judges.
